This is bittersweet. First person fantasy is my favorite genre but I just cant support parceling out your games integrity to the highest bidders. Seeing people pay 4 grand to be a god, cities full of npcs and portraits and statues of people who paid to be there. It just feels wrong to me.
I mean it’s portraits and statues, and you work with the artist and devs for all that stuff, seems like work they would be doing anyways and now it gives community engagement
Its more than that. If you go to the tiers youll see gods, nymphs, and major npc roles all available to backers to buy the right to create.
If it’s “use my name a likeness, maybe my voice work,” I’m not mad, it’s people paying to do stuff the devs would need to pay someone else to do instead. If it’s “I have some ideas how this story should go” I’d be a bit more concerned.
This could be the first major game to properly implement a truly infinite divergent quest system! There have been plenty of attempts in the past, but this team has a lot of experience with procedural generation. Looking forward to this one.