
  • 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • Our CEO came to visit us. It was fun. Some people couldn’t make it because they were out on vacation.

    Our department manager announced with less than a week’s notice that he’ll visit us after our CEO, for no specific reason, the weeks around the Easter weekend (Friday and Monday are public holidays so 4 days weekend). For the occasion he asked everyone in the team to cancel vacations approved months ago.

    All department employees individually politely declined to cancel their personal plans or approved vacations and involved HR. HR wasn’t aware of the manager’s decision.

    He’ll be alone at the office for 2/9 visit days 😂

  • IIRC (haven’t looked into the details recently) in France you can have full pension from 64yo IF you’ve worked every year from 18yo. You can retire earlier, but your pension will be cut down for each month not “cotisé” up to 64.

    I think years of high school don’t typically count, but there are ways to “convert” or “buy” those years back for the calculation of your pension. Parental leave also can be converted.

    So yes, the less you work, the longer it takes to unlock 100% of your pension funds.

    EDIT: I just checked. To be eligible for full pension at 64 in France (full pension is 50% of the average of the best 25 years salaries) you need to have “cotisé” for 498 or 516 months (depending on your year of birth). Missing months can be bought back, or you can take a lower pension.

  • To add insult to injury, supporters of the police officer raised a crowdfund. It is now above 1.5 million €.

    During the “gilets jaunes” protests, one participant boxed a riot police unit (in full riot suit) & got arrested. A crowdfund was opened to help him. The government cancelled the funds within 48 hours.

    The French government is sending the clear message that “it’s okay for French police to kill people; even better if they are minorities (arabs,muslims,…)” and they will always get the support of the state. Disgusting.