• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Tbh, I don’t recommend beginners to try out multiple distros in the beginning. Realistically, if you don’t have in depth Linux knowledge already, all you’ll be able to differentiate is the look of the DE and the wallpaper.

    I find, too much choice tends to confuse beginners more than it helps them.

    So I’d rather recommend something simple like Ubuntu and let them try out the flavours with the different DEs.

    Choice is better for later when people actually understand what they are looking for.

  • And the FOSS system seems to be collapsing right now for the same reason that anarcho-communism only works short-term until someone sees commercial value in it and abuses the system to the limit.

    • Big corporations initially providing exceptional services based on FOSS and after a while use their market share to excert undue control about the system (see e.g. RedHat, Ubuntu, Chrome, Android, …)
    • Big corporations taking FLOSS, rebranding it and hiding it below their frontend, so that nobody can interact with or directly use the FLOSS part (e.g. iOS, any car manufacturer, …)
    • Big and small companies just using GPL (or similar) software and not sharing their modifications when asked (e.g. basically any embedded systems, many Android manufacturers, RedHat, …)
    • Big corporations using infrastructure FOSS without giving anything back (e.g. OpenSSL, which before Heartbleed was developed and maintained by a single guy with barely enough funding to stay alive, while it was used by millions of projects with a combined user base of billions of users)

    The old embrace-extend-extinguish playbook is everywhere.

    And so it’s no surprise that many well-known FOSS developers are advocating for some kind of post-FOSS system that forces commercial users to pay for their usage of the software.

    Considering how borderline impossible it is for some software developer to successfully sue a company to comply with GPL, I can’t really see such a post-FOSS system work well.

  • Man könnte alle Nazis nach Sachsen schicken und dann Sachsen aus dem Bund auskoppeln.

    Entweder sind die dann ein eigenes Land, oder man stuft Sachsen vom Bundesland zum Territorium herunter, ähnlich wie Puerto Rico. Da kriegen sie dann keinen deutschen Pass, dürfen nicht auf Bundesebene wählen, dürfen aber weiterhin Steuern zahlen und müssen sich an deutsche Gesetze halten.

    Und visafreies Einreisen nach Deutschland und die EU wär dann auch Geschichte.

  • People like that usually have no clue about their own religion and far less about other religions.

    A while ago there was a post about Netanjahus controversial speech where he referenced the story of Amaleki. And the poster seriously said that Netanjahu shouldn’t be allowed to quote the christian bible…

    In general, people who completely disregard the second highest commandment given by Christ himself (love your neighbor as yourself) are not christians and shouldn’t be allowed to claim they are.

  • We are sadly ahead of Germany by 10-15 years. Our right wing equivalent (FPÖ) has been around since the country was re-founded after WW2.

    They had their ultra-radical time about 25-30 years ago. Since then they have been in government (I think) three times as a minor partner. Every time there was some big corruption/financial scandal that kicked them back out of government and reduced their election result massively. But time and time again, people keep forgetting and they rise again. Currently they lead again in the polls.

    Luckily, due to their incompetence, they never managed to do much harm, and due to the fact that they actually want to get into government, they are not as crazy radical as the AFD.

    So, it’s not good, but it’s not as bad as Germany, Hungary or Italy.

    There’s no talk about exiting the EU since Brexit, they don’t have the power to get rid of asylum (though they diverted funds from asylum-related issues), and by now they actually argue for “qualified, legal migrants”.

    Other than that, the conservatives have been in government for ~20 years or so, with changing partners. That’s not exactly good, since they do have had a few scandals where they pushed a fair bit of money to the super rich in the country.

    The social democrats elected a marxist as a leader, and since then they managed to overtake the conservatives in the polls.

    The neoliberals get ~9% in the polls and they effectively never managed to do anything with that.

    The greens are jumping rather wildly in the polls, and even though they only get 8-15% they currently hold the President and are in government.

  • Depends on the size and your patience. A single room apartment can be had for <€400 if you get lucky.

    And if you have enough patience to get into the government housing program, you pay next to nothing. Buildings older than 1955 are also regulated and quite cheap.

    You can also get cooperative housing flats (and even houses) with quite a low rent. We pay <€800 for about 80m².

    But we did have some 10% increase over the last year.

    And for all of these cheap options you need a lot of patience (between half a year and 5 years). If you need a flat right now, you can easily pay double of that on the free market.

    (All these numbers are for the capital city Vienna. Prices in other places can be much lower. There are dieing villages in many rural areas, where houses are pretty affordable, because nobody wants them.)

  • I tried something very similar, but if I set my Nvidia Prime profile to on-demand (use the Nvidia GPU for games, use the Intel GPU for everything else), whenever I start a game where Proton uses DXVK, after a few minutes of playing the whole system freezes. Can’t even get to the console anymore and even shortly pressing the power button does nothing. I have to reset the whole laptop.

    If I set it to use the Nvidia GPU always it works, but then battery life is nothing.

    I spent ~10h so far trying to debug that issue, but it seems to be a bug that was reported in 2017 that floods the syslog with assembler stack traces so hard that the whole system has no resources left to do anything else than logging. All the bug log entries I found said there is no workaround.

    So it can go either way, especially if your device uses Nvidia.

  • You want some stern words?

    You are a useless peace of dead weight in this community. Your comments suck and you have no idea how people work and how to professionally communicate. I hope you never have a job, let alone one in a management role. You should leave and never come back. Get aborted retroactively! You make the world a worse place by your mere existance!

    How do you feel about that? Are you going to change your behavior because of these “stern words”? Or are you going to think “What an idiot” and ignore everything I said?

    And we both are just anonymous randos on the internet and while this comment is public, not a lot of people are going to read it and it will have zero impact to either of our lives.

    Now imagine I was your boss, both of us are publically known people and I post this on the company social media account together with your full name.

    And people still dig this up 10 years later to laugh at it.

    Please reconsider your interpersonal behaviour.

  • Your actions do nothing. You complain on the internet about some guy that said something you don’t like. Nobody from FSF is gonna read it. And neither will Stallman or anyone that matters.

    I don’t see you boycotting software related to FSF. And even if you do, it doesn’t even matter, since the overwhelming majority of FOSS users never donate any money at all.

    You are no customer of the FSF, you just enjoy their stuff for free.

    So your actions amount to angry screaming into a box.