• 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • wolf@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlVivalidi 6.8 released
    2 days ago

    Vivaldi is a great Blink-engine based browser, my fallback in cases Firefox fails to render a page I really need.

    Outstanding are the official flatpaks for amd64 and Aarch64.

    (I do not understand why it is impossible for Mozilla to provide an official Aarch64 flatpak.)

  • wolf@lemmy.ziptoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux users survey!
    10 days ago

    Sorry, but how are a lot of the questions relevant for this community?

    Especially concerning the (family) income, age, being neurodivergent etc. These are sensitive information and seem more fitting for a market survey/selling ads.

    What is your goal with the answers? What are your research questions? How will the answers help this community?

  • Perhaps for perspective, because ‘rich’ is relative and I am always surprised how hard it is to forget that every person/class lives in a world of their own.

    When I was studying, I had to work to support myself, coming from a working class background. My whole time at the university was like visit mandatory courses, study, work and use weekends to study some more/do classwork. My parents could neither help me financially or with advice.

    I meet a study friend from a normal ‘middle class’ background on the street. He would spent many weekends to do short trips, go sailing, visit family, … perfectly fine and I am happy he could afford to live like that. During our conversation he mentioned casually, that he was going on a multi week vacation, because ‘Sometimes you just need to get out and see something else.’. He didn’t mean it in bad faith, I just felt like shit because at that time I haven’t had vacation for multiple years.

    Now, I am perfectly fine with my friend living a good life. What really gets to me, though, is that for example the middle class takes all their privileges for granted and nowadays you can suddenly read in newspapers discussions, if it is still worth to go work if you cannot even afford to buy your own flat/house. Where I live, working class couldn’t afford to buy a flat/house for decades now, but there was never a discussion whether it would still be worth for the working class to work. The discussion is more about how to force the working class to work more for less.

  • I wonder, if you are asking two different questions:

    1. Why don’t you receive notifications about updated packages?
    2. Two: Security and bugfixes

    For 1. it depends which desktop environment you use, Gnome/KDE have this update notifications out of the box, for other DEs (Xfce, LXDE, etc.) you might need to enable this with the installation of synaptic or similar.

    For 2. Debian stable does not ship bugfixes but Debian stable ships security fixes. I highly recommend to subscribe to Debians Security mailing list, especially for security fixes concerning browsers and other stuff.

    Edit: I have enabled automatic updates and I still receive regular notifications via Gnome Software, at least once per week.

  • How do I enable DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS for all connections in NetworkManager in Debian 12?

    It is easy to configure custom DNS servers for all connections via a new .conf file in /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d with a servers= entry in the [global-dns-domain-*] section.

    How can I configure NetworkManager to use DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS via a conf file?