
Trump’s border czar, Tom Homan, admitted that finding undocumented immigrants with criminal records has been difficult, requiring full ICE teams for field raids.

Arrest numbers, around 14,000 in Trump’s first month, are below the administration’s 1,500-per-day goal.

Homan blamed sanctuary cities for not cooperating with federal immigration enforcement. He vowed to increase enforcement teams and denied mass school or church raids, though ICE may target specific criminals.

The administration has stopped publishing daily arrest figures, despite a drop in immigration arrests since November.

    25 days ago

    I’ve complained about gun culture being the biggest issue leading to gun deaths before. I’m not a huge fan of gun control as a lot of the left discuss it and my issue with labeling gun laws “common sense” causes a dissidence in people heads where anyone disagreeing not having common sense.

    But the rhetoric of “fuck around and find out” and “come and try that here” underpins a thought process that guns are an acceptable solution to problems. And not just acceptable, but on equal footing with other solutions such as running away, defusing or de-escalating the situation, discussions, and compromises. It’s where you see things like Kyle Rittenhouse or “You’re Fucked” being inscribed on the AR used in the murder of Daniel Shaver in Mesa, AZ by the police.

    Whereas I believe guns are the final solution to a problem. And imo, one that we all should be reticent to use but ultimately have available to us. They are to be used as a last resort to threats against life and liberty.

    The gun culture, mixed with the propaganda of everyone everywhere being a potential threat to you is a leading cause of gun violence.

      25 days ago

      Yeah, throw in people blaming entire groups of people and blaming much of the world’s problems on them and next thing you know you hear comments like “we should hang every one of those people.”. “Run! ICE is coming.”

      Those are comments I hear coworkers saying while on the clock, the second one yelled out the window of a work truck at a group of Hispanics working construction. The first because he thinks listening to conservative radio at work is a good idea. And they make the biggest reaches, and brought up a possible trans person in India that may have been planning a school shooting. And that was what warranted them saying we should hang all the trans people. It’s like they don’t understand at all that these people are born every day, and the only reason he hates them is because that conservative media is trying to find examples all across the globe and shove it down their throat daily.

      It will only get worse too. As you opress migrants and groups like trans people, eventually you back them into corners so small that they will have to last out more, and the media will spin those actions as the reason they were backed into the corner in the first place.

        25 days ago

        Oh yea. I’m angry and upset that any acts of defiance will be used as justification for the indiscriminate persecution of entire sections of society.

        The systemic marginalization and abuse of vulnerable groups will lead to acts of violence. Which will lead to more marginalization and abuse.

        The only way to prevent this is to break the system and embrace these groups.

        As a gross oversimplification analogy, but one that any parent should be able to understand. The more you try and control a teenager and suppress who they are the more they will act out and rebel.

        And it’s so fucking weird to me to see all this hate. I grew up around migrants, I’ve worked closely with trans individuals and non binary folk. I have never seen the violence or hate or any of the problems the conservative hate propaganda speech about these people.

        Because they truly are just people who want to live their lives and be who they are. They all have dreams and aspirations. They want to provide for their families. They want to love each other and be loved in return. They want the same for you and me. They don’t have any agenda to do harm.

        Is everyone perfect, no. Do some people cause issues? Sure. But that has nothing to do with race or sexual or gender identity. People in general can be shitty, and you’ll find them in all walks of life.

        As an parallel, I was watching PBS’s American Experience about the American Coup in Wilmington, NC in 1898. They shared articles from white supremacists which sounded so eerily familiar to the rhetoric spewed on Fox News and other right wing media outlets. It’s such a tired playbook, but it’s so frustrating how effective it is.