Trying to get some positivity today

    7 months ago

    I got home one night and noticed one of my ortlieb pannier bags was missing I cycle through a lot of national cycling routes and canals so anyone finding it would 100% have a lucky find as they cost about £60 each and mine was full of waterproofs.

    Despite looking for it, I knew it would be gone being bright yellow as well it was hardly going to be unnoticed.

    About 2 weeks and I cycled past a man with two dogs I often see, he calls out to me, I figured I’d done something wrong.

    Says he has my bag, the dogs were barking at it one day, and he put it in his van, he thought it might be mine as he’s seen me before and said I always slow down for the dogs. Kept it in his van I waited, and he handed it to me exactly as I had it, nothing a miss. Offered to give him money for the faff, he just wanted to make sure it went back to the right person.

    We always have a bit of chat now on the way home. Super lucky that day