It’s not the first iteration and probably wont be the last either but now atleast they’re all in one place.
If it gets really dry where you are you may find you have brittle zip ties that snap apart when you tighten them. Nylon needs a little water for elasticity.
Personally, I still have the 1000-piece set I bought a decade ago in a plastic jar with a screw lid, and I put a little water in the container whenever I notice it’s dry.
Brb. Gotta go water my zip ties lol
I have this problem. Thanks a lot for the tip!
Same goes for nylon whipper snipper line; put your spool in a warm water for an hour before restringing. Some people store their line spools in a pail of water.
That’s fucking fantastic.
Or is it a clogged organ?
It’s a “wrap” organ
Lpt open new bags of zipties by cutting perpendicular to the zipties in the center of the bag. You can pull them out but they’ll never spill.
What manner of crafting do you do that requires that number of zipties?
Or is this a “cable drawer” situation?
that looks like the contents of a single package that had multiple sizes in it.
part of one, maybe, even–it’s not nearly as many as in one of the canisters i have here.
Well, a man gotta have zip ties?
Realistically you only need two sizes; the small ones and “regular” size. Maybe wide ones for when you need that extra strenght. However, I came across this set of olive green ones and I’m a sucker for olive green, so here we are.
I’ve started fights with the claim that zip ties are better than duct tape
I find double sided Velcro replaces most of my zip tie use cases.
I found the telecom tech
Close lol.
You need zip ties. A small bag costs a much as the large assortment bag.
Later you are traveling and need to fix something with the trailer. Same story.
You are now a hoarder of zip ties.
That is inspirational
I am afraid this doesn’t belong here, it’s far too cool! I’d kill for a workshop organization system like you’ve been showing off.
If you find yourself getting excited about organization, then you’re in the right place.
Very neat. Its always a nice feeling when you can organize your tools and things.
For me, I’ll organize that sort of stuff and it’ll last maybe a month or so until my brain goes “unga bunga me put tool down for moment” and organization goes out the window.
Then the cycle repeats.
As long as there’s a dedicated place for each tool that table is incredibly quick to sort out no matter how messy it is. It’s the stuff without a dedicated place that are left laying around for months.
Very true, my main issue is having a place for everything.
And also just not putting the tools away properly lol.
“I need my tools!”
Just need something for gloves and tape now.
Freakin sexy!
I’m in the alpha stages of workshop organization and would love to see your entire wall as inspiration.
Holy shit that’s incredibility based
Well I’m stealling a lot of ideas from you op, well done. What height did you go with for your bench?
Thanks! It’s about 90cm high. The distance from floor to the knuckle of your thumb is a good starting point.
Nice and simple idea! Do you plan on painting it?
Nah, I don’t see the point. Doesn’t need to be pretty - only functional.
I like your socket set thing. Most of the things I would use zip ties for I find double sided velcro to be better. I got a 1/2" roll from work like 8 years ago and split it down the middle to make 2 1/4" rolls and I’m basically set for life on cable management and such.