But but Ukraine is closer to NATO than ever, Mark Rutte says during Kyiv visit surely NATO would never lie!
Not that I trust this mouthpiece but it’s better than his normal deluded warmongering
it seems that those new directives from the hegemon have just arrived to its satellites. the thing is that trump tries to appease russia because he believes they are useful white allies in their containment and aggression strategy against china, which they see as a “yellow menace” to the primacy of white nato-stan.
I think that’s exactly what it is, Trump is banking on peeling Russia away from China based on “christian values” or some shit. He’s going to be sorely disappointed.
Man Rutte has done a “180” from his stance a few weeks ago. Marvellous.
If history is anything to go by, this will probably set off a wave of terrorist attacks from the disillusioned rabid dogs Europe and the US armed, trained, and whipped up into a frenzy in Azov, Right Sector, Bratstvo, Kraken, Third Assault…
Your parents or grandparents cheered on the Mujahideen as well, once.
The betrayal narrative is very much gaining ground in Ukraine right now. Also worth noting how huge amounts of weapons have gone to the black market. One investigation found that only 30-40% of the supplies coming across the border reached its final destination. The nazis in Ukraine have established lots of connections with far right cells across Europe, and that’s likely where a lot of these weapons ended up now.
I don’t know. Did the Mujahideen seemingly fought to the last man? Most of the Ukrainian refugees here are women.
Most of the refugees are women because Ukraine restricted travel of men of military age. Al Qaeda wasn’t staging attacks with refugees, they mobilized the recruits which grew and grew during the war, and then they put their CIA training to practice with arms they got from the west.
Y’all better hope and pray that Russia is allowed to denazify Ukraine, otherwise you’re probably gonna have to see the consequences of your government’s warmongering and your populace’s xenophobic complacency.
America is a shithole wrapped in Russia’s warm Siberian oil reserves.
So. Utterly. Disgusting.
Last I checked Rutte isn’t American, but I guess you’re admitting here that NATO is really just American protection racket and that Europe never actually had any sovereignty.
Will there be insurgencies in the former Ukraine territory? Or has their will be crushed completely? And what of the heads of state? Will the Ukrainian government trip over one another in efforts to cast blame and avoid fallout?
I’m afraid the issues in Ukraine will continue for some time. The lives they enjoyed pre-invasion are not coming back, even if they were physically unharmed.
The majority of Ukranians in the occupied areas don’t want to be part of Ukraine since the coup of 2014 and consequent oppression of Russo-Ukrainians. The ones that do (a large minority inside east Ukraine) and haven’t left already are likely to leave or integrate.
Insurgency happened in the Donbass oblasts and Crimea in favor of Russia, because there was a large majority not wanting to part of Ukraine anymore.
If Russia were to take Lviv, we’d likely see insurgency against Russia.
The territory Russia occupies has been trying to separate from Ukraine for the past 8 years now, there isn’t going to be any insurgency there.
I suppose time will tell. If it does happen, I’ll be interested in seeing how it’s presented in the media.