Who is Nicole really? Who got messages from Nicole? Who is behind the messages? What is the resolution of Nicole’s profile images? Do I really have to be a racist to join her server? This comment section’s purpose is to collect all that information.
I felt I need to contribute something to the “massive” quest to uncover more about Nicole.
I went through all my messages (from my main account, this one is a burner) and found an interesting name that kept coming up, from a couple of messages that were about 2 months old, “beyorkisan”. This was a PeerTube username she included, which does not exist anymore. But I scoured the internet and found another interesting PeerTube instance which is still running and on which she has uploaded a video.
Federated link on hitchtube.fr, if the site is not loading. Also there is no audioAlso, there was another live-stream.
Going through the video and live-stream comments, seems like she had quite a following and from there I deduced a couple of things,
- She was doing some sort of engagement on a chatting website called stumblechat.com.
- She liked Krashboyz Bordel Krew Live Show 24/7
- @lnxtx@feddit.nl comments in this thread might be correct, she might indeed be living in Canada.
- If she is really the one who was doing all that, then she was active on PeerTube, federating on Fediverse and thus making herself a Fediverse Chick (pun intended).
Also there seems to be a twitch account named beyorkisan with her picture. Might be hers.
We know about this, please delete your comment since it might be a real account.
Now this is the kind of detective work we all come here for!
got nicholed as well, mine was 76
Hello. My name is “unrealized”. I have been nicoled. It has been one week since me last nicoleing. A number 36 this time, from lemmy.imagishpe.re. Thank you.
Just posting here as well to make sure it’s documented.
I just got Nicole Classic™ without crypto links. I’m beginning to suspect there are Niclones out there as well
I just got nicole’d today. I am feeling honored, I never won anything before in my life!
Breaking News
The Matrix room is gone.
Got hit once by ,her".
Hey y’all, I know this theory might be a stretch, but remember that this could be someone using someone’s name/face without their permission to harass them or frame them or something. Please just keep that in mind as you dig.
It probably is, it looks like a frame grab from a webcam video.
With what appears to be a bong in shot. I can’t imagine someone using such an unflattering photo if they were using their own face.
Eh, it’s more than likely a pig-butchering scam.
The groups that do these are rather unsophisticated and mostly don’t speak english. It would make sense that their poor internet connections only have low quality photos and this is likely just one of many scams with equally-bad photos.
A decent quality photo isn’t that big, even over dialup you can send a better one.
https://www.fortinos.ca/en/store-locator/details/0055 this seems to be the page for the store listed in the Matrix server description. The Matrix description really makes this seem like someone is doxxing her tbh.
I think is a funny meme and everything but I feel uncomfortable with people sharing her pictures. I doubt the real person on the pictures gave concent to this.
There is some variation in a college/university name:
- George Brown College
- Toronto Metropolitan University
Extra photos:
Those all look like screenshots from a video call.
Maybe we can get rainbolt involved?
Got Nicole’d twice, last time ~a hour ago.
My guess is that the scammer is simply hitting random Fediverse people, with no meaningful pattern besides “some post/comment activity”.
Topic from the Matrix room:
I work at ***, *** ** **, Woodbridge, ON L4L 1A7, Canada. Come say hi sometime!
I work in the *** section, so just ask for Nicole!Does somebody live nearby?
She is most likely the victim of a stalker who’s trying to get her harassed and possibly fired
This is textbook internet harassment if this is a real place someone works, this is not good.
Seems like the “scam” may be a harassment campaign?
This is creepy as hell.
So update, topic was removed.
Everyone who got a Nicole message: Please get in touch here, you all might have something in common.
Got my first one today
I suspect what we have in common is that we all use Lemmy or Mastodon
Of course, but people who aren’t active seem to get fewer spam. But they might just don’t post it, because they are inactive.
I’ve stopped getting them after my first one, and I’ve got none on the microblogging side of things.
If the user isn’t active, the spammers have less chance 9f getting their username
i got a message yesterday, and havent been very active for a few weeks now
I got a message immediately after commenting on a Canada@lemmy.ca post.
Received it after leaving a comment in gonewild. Prime hunting grounds for lonely guys I guess. Was my second comment ever and my first was way earlier therefore I’m sure that it was the gonewild comment that triggered the bot to send me the message.
I only got one after I mentioned somewhere that I hadn’t gotten one yet. It wasn’t immediately after, but close enough to make me suspicious.
What user was it from and when?
@Peter_Arbeitslos thanks to @jonny I am now even more intrigued by this phenomenon!
I got nicoled twice.