I have a lot of runners up, like Amrito for Amy, or Bradinglesmirch for Briar, but I think the dumbest has to be Scott Von Scott of the Scottsdale Scotts Who Did Scott So Scottily in the Battle of Scotteen Twelve.

So I ask you, what’s the stupidest thing you’ve ever called your furry friends?

  • stoy@lemmy.zip
    5 months ago

    We had a lovely cat when I grew up, she was completely black, with short but compact fur, and tuffs on her ears.

    For this to make sense, I need to talk about Swedish grammar…

    In Swedish grammar we have two genus for words:

    “Utrum” words get the suffix “(e)n” in their definitive form.

    “Neutrum” words get the suffix “(e)t” in their definite form.

    These words also get the en/ett article in front of it when talking about a signular unspecified item.


    Car - bil, a car - en bil, the car - bilen

    Table - bord, a table - ett bord, the table - bordet

    Now, the Swedish word for cat is an utrum word:

    Katt, en katt, katten.

    One of the nicknames we used to call our cat was the neutrum defined form: “kattet”.

    Which if I am looking back at this comment is a funny nickname, with a stupidly complex explanation to non Swedish speakers.

  • SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Have a cat that scrunges every time you pet her head. Nicknames have evolved.

    Scrungy cat, scrungy baby, scrungy butt, scrunge, scrung (hard G), scrungabutt, scring, and we’ve arrived at scringus bingus being the most ridiculous thing so far.

  • _thisdot@infosec.pub
    5 months ago

    I live in Bangalore, India. The local language here is Kannada but I don’t speak it nor do I have many friends who speak it. I named my cat Bacardi and would call him Bacoo. Turns out the word for cat in the local language is also “Bacoo”. So for any local who saw me interact with my cat, it looked like I was calling my cat “cat”! I found out around a year later!