Yay! Please stick with this, EU! I hope this spreads globally. 🥂
I honestly don’t get it. It’s their product. Why are entire countries getting involved in how they design and distribute their own IP?
Good stuff EU
I have no doubt the EU won’t have much mercy for American corporations going* forward.
My phone REALLY wants me to type gong. Gong gong gong gong gong.
When apple announced messaging would be cross platform nobody else adopted it. Any idea why?
Oh yeah one reason: Apple won’t be forced to open up iMessage by EU (2024)
In the eu literally nobody is using iMessage, so it doesn’t fall under dma laws.
We don’t need no friends, allies or influence when we can be bullying, a child’s concept of tough, looking up to other dictators like Putin and Erdogan. Im sure all it will take is loud threats of widespread tariffs and a stable Genius who’s “great” at deals.
“Coincidentally” Apple might make sizable
bribesindependent donations to support the free and open re-election of The fuhrerLet me see that gong…gong gagong gong gong
bro be like
Go ahead, this is a safe space. Get it out of your system.
Gong gong, gonging gong gong!
I was so hyped when the EU pressured Apple into allowing external software on Apple devices.
Apple killed that hype making the change EU only, problem is I’m encapsulated in the walled garden with an iPhone, iPad, Apple TV, Air Tags, HomePods.
Thinking of getting a second phone Android based to partially-escape the garden but if I ditch my iPhone all hell will break loose network wise.
The funny thing is I would have joined the ecosystem this year if that change made it out of eu
ditch the homepod and don’t replace it with any other spyware, and replace the rest as needed.
ditch the homepod and don’t replace it with any other spyware
Family has gotten use to the HomePod being around, makes simple things like settings timers for cooking or other related task a bit easier.
And yeah, I’m aware it’s spyware. I wanted a “smart-home” and essentially landed on Apple products.
What is homepod? Like Amazon Alexa?
yeah, and if you want something that doesn’t spy on you your only real option is home assistant.
Home assistant is great and apart from voice recognition, its infinitely more powerful than any corporate home automation product. Voice is tough to do locally and on low powered hardware, but its getting there.
Sorry but the only way out of that is to stop buying apple products
I get the design choice, it looks nice, but the hardware is rather trashy and both hardware and software are hostile to it’s users. That won’t ever change
They dumbed it down over the years
With android you can change the os if your into it, developer at least.
Some phones only. Or at least that is how it used to be when I had one not too long ago. The boot loader had the be unlocked and some apps like banks or Google pay refused to work at the time (or maybe it was if you had root enabled).
Yeah I was looking into Linux based mobile OS’s and I’ve come to the consensus that hardware selection is very limited.
I was very interested in GrapheneOS but unfortunately it’s for Pixel phones only.
I was you up until 3 months ago. I went nuclear and focused on the more open source side of android and have been so much happier for it. Sold everything to afford the changes.
It’s also cheaper consider the availability of different Android phones, I left pixel for OnePlus recently, because it decided then screen died after a small drop for pixel 5a, a phone with well known defects
Well, they did get them to switch to USB-C, so I’m not holding my breath, but I do hope that this will lead to more interoperability. I’m tired of Apple making Android/non-Apple users feel like second-class citizens.
I have to agree. Switching to USB-C is a big step, but I doubt Apple will become more interoperable unless they are forced to.
I still don’t think that one was actually the EU’s doing. Macs got USB C before most PCs, iPads had it for a long time before iPhones, and iPhones switched over 10 years after Apple announced lightning saying it would be their connector “for the next decade”
Apple got an special exemption the last time the EU standardised the port to Micro-USB.
The writing would have been on the wall for them. Especially as thunderbolt 3+ uses the USB-C connector, there was no guarantee the EU would give them exception again, and lightning is almost certainly not designed to handle the wattage needed to charge a Mac.
But otherwise, if not compelled, I doubt that Apple would have carried it over to the mobile devices. The timing is fortuitous, but likely because Apple has a little leeway before the EU forbade their devices/fined them for not following the law.
Even then, for whatever reason, a (grantedly cheap) 3,5mm->USB-C adapter my dad bought didn’t work at all on his iPhone while it works just fine on my Android
Most every major company tries to build a walled garden. Apple does so via apps and services, services like netflix do by making sure you can’t watch shows on any other service (arr!), or even something as simple as cordless tools that have proprietary batteries and chargers where it gets really expensive to have to buy different batteries.
Most every major company isn’t entrenched in people’s lives as deeply as apple is though. If I want to leave Netflix it’s as easy as switching subscriptions. If I want to leave Apple I need months of migration and multiple product replacements.
Or at least that’s what it looks like to someone who has avoided Apple their whole life, it was apparent to me as a teen that the walled garden was a trap. The iPhone and iPhone 3g where the only and last peices of apple hardware I’ve ever owned.
You’re right on all counts. It is not cheap and easy to migrate away from apple, and some apps may not have an equivalent.
I’ve been anti-apple most of my life for multiple reasons, and I still am, however my work uses apple products for the employees so it just made sense to have my own as well. I deeply recognize the walled garden Apple has created, and the only products of theirs we use are those associated with the mobile devices. We buy nothing else apple; no laptops, no desktops, no backup, TV, etc.
And also getting using to an entirely new UI and OS
Maybe Nintendo, Sony and MS will be next?
I want a 3rd party store on all my consoles, why can’t I?
Not skilled enough hackerboy 😉🫶🏻
Mod your damn consoles!
While I don’t think people get consoles without homebrew being unlocked first it is still better for homebrew to be unlocked on day 1
It will also give the possibility of open development
😮how got my obviously joking answer so many down votes??
Of course it would be better if the console come open already
I personally just love the hacking part of following hacks.guide
Destroys their entire business model 😂
Their entire business model has been to focus on systems that lock people in and exclude people who are out. None of this is done for security or as a means for the best possible customer experience. It’s done for the sole purpose of forcing income they couldn’t achieve with innovation alone. I’ve heard so many tech reviewers and even my own personal friends who say they would love to switch if only to try something else. They say they’d switch today if their friends, family and coworkers wouldn’t get mad at them. Apples only real innovation over the past ten years has been built in social pressure.
And the air pods was often referenced to look like condoms, on reddit
Ice cream cones, no?
This is why the only Apple product I’ve owned was a free iPad. It feels claustrophobic to be trapped in their ecosystem.
I only used It extensively in a university, and that’s about it, and occasionally for work, and I’m not in tech. Tech people do find the laptop convenient though
The only Apple product I’ve owned was my first smartphone an iPhone 4, Never again.
Trying to get my family to use signal and its like pulling teeth. “Dont you want to be on the same messaging app as everyone”, “sure but you’re the one with a problem”
Mate, I only have a problem because of you!
Hopefully this actually leads to something lasting, but I don’t have high hopes considering how Europe is getting dragged atm
I mean the EU made them allow app stores but Apple made a complete mockery of them by requiring their rubber stamp and charging “only” 27% fee and the EU is just letting them get away with that so yeah, I have little faith.
There isn’t really any getting away with. If what Apple does is within the law then the EU can’t prevent it. I’m sure somebody is looking into preventing Apple from doing it, but propper legislation takes time.
There isn’t really any getting away with.
But they are. Right now.
propper legislation takes time
They should have thought of that when they created the legislation.
Finally. We all about to see better prices and more features. If this ends in lower app store fees, its a massive win for every app company in the world!
Huge win!
deleted by creator
There should be a porn movie with that headline
It’s a shame Epic lost this lawsuit in the US because “just switch to Android”