The recent incident from a school in Muzaffarnagar highlights, once again, how many of India’s institutions, and its people, are failing the country’s Muslims.

  • xuxebiko@kbin.socialOP
    10 months ago

    Large populations can vastly cut manufacturing costs for simple goods that do not require technical skills.

    we’re not in the stone-age anymore, so what goods are these that don’t require technical skills to manufacture? What will be the earning of people employed in these jobs? will they be able to earn enough to not depend on subsidies for survival? Will they be ableto earn enough for the kids to get eucated? what sort of a nation will we be if we depend on the majority to work in low-skill jobs? This is the future you see for india in 2023? Our freedoe fighterss had better ambitions for us in 1947.

    Large populations can utilize a meat grinder approach to conflicts that smaller nations cannot easily adopt.

    WTF is this argument? Using people as cannon fodder because there are so many of them, their deaths won’t matter? Are you taking lessons from Putin?

    Wait! Is that why we’ve been on the backfoot with China even though they’ve invaded our land multiple times in Ladakh and the NorthEast? Because we’re saving our forces & energy to defend/ attack against smaller neighbours like Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Nepal?

    Are you being satirical or funny on purpose? because otherwise…

      10 months ago

      The same things that Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hungarians, Czech people, and Japanese people made as their economies developed? There are all sorts of items that do not require extensive training to manufacture that people regularly use.

      • xuxebiko@kbin.socialOP
        10 months ago

        The same things that Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hungarians, Czech people, and Japanese people made as their economies developed?

        how far back was that? how technologically advanced was the world then compared to now? What sort of an ally would such a population be to any developed country? except as slave labour or as the cannon fodder like you had envisaged? Such a people will be a “bulwark against the PRC”?

        The same things that Koreans, Chinese, Vietnamese, Hungarians, Czech people, and Japanese people made as their economies developed?

        You have some wierd romanticized view of mass poverty. Both you and Modi might be pleased to push Indians back to a stone age ruled by Brahminism and superstitions, but that’s not good for my people or my country. Mass poverty is a recipe for misery, ruined lives, crime, oppression, and bonded slavery. So, no thanks. if you like it so much, wish it on your country.

        I will repeat myself here, population is only a strength when they’re educated, are employed, have buying power in a booming economy else it’s a poor country with runaway inflation & the large malnourished majority surviving on subsidised food.

        It seems to me that you’re arguing for the sake of arguingand have no clue to what you’e talking about, so I’ll be ending this here.

          10 months ago

          Depending on the country 80 years ago to the present. These are the people making cheap consumer electronics and other products where it still costs more to automate than to pay someone to assemble eg travel sewing kits, first aid kits etc.

          This isn’t romanticizing poverty this is how every industrialized nation has developed their economy. What I see India doing is by no means unique to India and is in fact what everyone did.

          At no point have I endorsed poverty. It is remarkably ignorant to think a nation if 1 billion people will all have service jobs. You need people doing manufacturing as well and this is the sector that is absolutely the most likely area to develop given that many Indians do not currently have the education to hold service jobs.

          You are adding a ton of prejudice that is not in my posts at all. It also seems like you really have no grasp on recent history regarding economic development.

          • xuxebiko@kbin.socialOP
            10 months ago

            At no point have I endorsed poverty.

            you absolutely have. read your own comments. you’ve advocated using Indians to do low-skill (and therefore low-wage) jobs and be used as cannon fodder.

            Population is a strength regardless of education. Large populations can vastly cut manufacturing costs for simple goods that do not require technical skills. Large populations can utilize a meat grinder approach to conflicts that smaller nations cannot easily adopt.

            Uneducated Indians as cannon-fodder is your idea of ‘bulwark against PRC’?

            That is not just endorsing poverty, it’s godamned racist. and you’re lecturing me on being ignorant about ‘recent history regarding economic development’??! because I called you out?

            I keep trying to give you the benefit of the doubt but you’re just too nasty. I’m blocking you