With the discussion of whether assisted dying should be allowed in Scotland befing brought up again, I was wondering what other people thought of the topic.

Do you think people should be allowed to choose when to end their own life?

What laws need to be put into place to prevent abuses in the system?

How do we account for people changing their mind or mental decline causing people to no longer be able to consent to a procedure they previously requested?

  • PerogiBoi@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    Then you have let the capitalists win. They do not want people to have autonomy over their bodies because they still pay tax and consume products.

    A big proponent of capitalist propaganda is to induce the fear of the government. I can assure you that governments are so large and so hampered by rules that this very creative scenario where the government forces everyone to die is hilariously out of the realms of reality.

    Governments exist off of taxes. To kill their own tax base for no reason goes against their whole modus operandi. Just think about the positions that are being dispensed to you and by whom and why they might want you to receive a message like this next time.