tl;dr – Apache Software Foundation, Blender Foundation, OpenSSL Software Foundation, PHP Foundation, Rust Foundation, and Eclipse Foundation have jointly announced their intention to collaborate on the establishment of common specifications for secure software development based on existing open source best practices. #opensource #cra #cybersecurity @python @rust @EclipseFdn @opensslannounce @Blender
Hmmm… does this mean PHP and Python will start rewriting (or join the efforts to rewrite) their interpreters in Rust?
Anti Commercial AI thingy
LOL, you will tie anything to rust. Voyager memory core problem: “Does this mean NASA Engineers will rewrite voyager comms code in rust?”
Rust is literally in the announcement? Did you read it? And there are efforts underway to to rewrite OpenSSL in rust as well as the python interpreter.
Anti Commercial-AI license