SmashManiac originally ran the site but recently converted it into an open source project. Here’s the announcement

You can view the new open source version of the site here

It’s still early in the transition but I’ve converted it into a Jekyll build based on yaml data. Unfortunately I’ve been mostly working alone, we’d love some more contributors! If you know any of: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Jekyll, or Liquid templates then check out the Github and maybe submit some pull requests to help us out

We’d like to keep the project simple, but here’s our issues list for ideas

    • Capt.
      4 months ago

      Honestly, one of the most impressive out of all the ones I’ve tried. Entirely new game maps, plus soul and weapon randomization. Totally random effects, so you can end up with weapons that are completely useless and won’t hit anything, or ones that fire like handguns. So much customization to make it as hard or as easy as you want. Also, I absolutely love that they also randomized the dialogue too. Sometimes it’s gibberish, sometimes it’s actually funny. Totally worth giving it a try!