My question is whether it is good practice to include a unique wrapper phrase for custom commands and aliases.

For example, lets say I use the following command frequently:

apt update && apt upgrade -y && flatpak update

I want to save time by shortening this command. I want to alias it to the following command:


And lets say I also make up a command that calls a bash script to scrub all of of my zfs and btrfs pools:


Lets say I add 100 other aliases. Maybe I am overthinking it, but I feel there should be some easy way to distinguish these from native Unix commands. I feel there should be some abstraction layer.

My question is whether converting these commands into arguments behind a wrapper command is worth it.

For example, lets say my initials are “RK”. The above commands would become:

rk update rk scrub

Then I could even create the following to list all of my subcommands and their uses:

rk --help

I would have no custom commands that exist outside of rk, so I add to total of one executable to my system.

I feel like this is the “cleaner” approach, but what do you think? Is this an antipattern? Is is just extra work?

    3 months ago

    What you described is a common practice to make oneself life easier.

    If you want to write something like rk you would need to create a bash script and place it in your PATH so you can access it from there. It is fairly easy to do so, and you can back it up in GIT so that you have the latest version of the command line utility there. Even for the alias, I would say back it up in GIT, because you might lose them.