Opposition motions calling for a range of economic and diplomatic sanctions, including the expulsion of Israel’s ambassador in Dublin Dana Erlich, were defeated in the Dail on Wednesday evening.

Proposals for Ireland to refer Israel to the International Criminal Court (ICC) were also voted down.

While the Government did not expel Russia’s ambassador after the invasion of Ukraine, it did back EU sanctions against Vladimir Putin’s regime and also referred its actions to the ICC.

  • tryptaminev 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇪🇺@feddit.de
    11 months ago

    The IDF spokesman said in the beginning of the offense, that the emphasis is on “damage not accuracy”. They are fully admitting to indiscriminate bombing of Gaza. It is ridicilous to try and paint them as the good guys fighting the bad guys.

    • letmesleep@feddit.de
      11 months ago

      They are fully admitting to indiscriminate bombing of Gaza.

      You should look up what “indiscriminate” means.

        • letmesleep@feddit.de
          11 months ago

          But there is differentation. I’ve said it countless times, if it there weren’t we’d see death tolls in a completely different magntiude. If there werren’t differentation there’d be no asking the civilians to evacuate or zones that are less likely to be bombed. You can argue that the IDF isn’t differentating enough, but claiming it didn’t just makes you sound silly.

          • brainrein@feddit.de
            11 months ago

            You know how a world would look like where Palestinians aren’t harassed humiliated bullied and dispossessed on a daily basis? Where Palestine became strong and powerful, obviously thriving in that completely different world.

            Where they were able to become so powerful that they could pose a threat to the state of Israel.

            You know for sure that they would still act like terrorists? Must be in their blood, right? It’s their culture to commit massacres, nobody can change that.

            Well, I don’t think so because I believe in the human rights. As long as it is not a matter of course for every Palestinian that their human and civil rights are respected, that their equality is recognized, there will continue to be Palestinians who fight against the disregard for their rights.

            And as long as there are no courts to ensure justice, they will continue to fight with violence. And the less power they have, the greater their hatred will be and the more brutal their fighting will be. Terrorism is the weapon of the hopeless.

            The fact is that Israel’s existence is not threatened by Hamas (although Hamas would like to), no matter how much the Holocaust is invoked.

            The existence of Palestine, on the other hand, has been successfully prevented by Israel to this day. And Israel has been working for decades to make the existence of a Palestinian state impossible in the future.

            I think it was a huge mistake by Israel and the West not to recognize the (democratically elected) Hamas government in 2005 and not to negotiate with Hamas. That would have been a good opportunity to turn terrorists into ex-terrorists.

            That already had worked with the first Israeli government in 1948, you remember?

            “In 1946, Begin had 350 kilograms of explosives smuggled in milk cans under the British offices in the ostentatious King David Hotel in Jerusalem. The explosion collapsed the south wing, killing 91 people.” [https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/vor-der-staatsgruendung-israels-alle-gegen-die-briten-a-1206223.html translated by Google]

            • letmesleep@feddit.de
              11 months ago

              Of course a radicalized population can become sane again. We had it happen here in Germany.

              But that doesn’t change that negotiating with violent fascists is always very risky because reasoning with fanatics is an oxymoron. If you ask me, Palestine needs what Germany got from 1948 onwards: An occupation force that has an interest in a well developing country.