I have been toying around with F1 data and python plots, and got some average gap graphics in gif form, starting at Bahrain and up to Italy.
- Team Averages (only Q1): https://imgur.com/a/f4nBIO6
- Driver Q1 averages: https://imgur.com/a/kkJABGV
- Driver Q2 averages: https://imgur.com/a/VLhdOta
- Driver Q3 averages: https://imgur.com/a/ZFsGCzy
They are gifs, so check your wi-fi upon entering because there are many on each page, obviously.
Would have posted a few examples here, but apparently Lemmy is not keen on it. Hope imgur’s servers do not crap out on me.
- McL’s averages: https://i.imgur.com/1nWQ1GT.gif
- Intra-team qualy battles: https://i.imgur.com/ayVxwJI.gif
The only thing you want to think about in data is ease of readability. If, for example, every driver’s bar was their team’s color in the graphs you could instantly and easily see and compare a drivers gap to both drivers in another team.