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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 21st, 2024


  • I worked rotating shifts for a few years, and currently work really odd shifts for ~3 months at a time.

    After the rotating shifts, and in between the odd shifts I work now, I transitioned back to a regular day cycle pretty quickly; usually within a few days.

    If you can take some PTO before starting your new role, consider going to sleep shortly after sunset, and leaving the shades up so you can wake with the sun for a few days. Try not to use bright house lights in the evening, and try to not to use an alarm clock to wake up, just use the sunlight.

    Doing this gives your circadian rhythm a hard reboot which makes it much easier to transition back to a more socially common day life.

  • They make money on the penalty default rate. They know what the average rate of default is, and they know how many people they plan to sign up. On average they make money. The 0% is to draw large numbers of customers in knowing that some percentage will default and of that percentage they will be able to collect on yet another percentage. This is why the default rate is like 24.99% or something silly like that.

  • Not quite packet radio, but there’s a huge community for FT8 (very very limited communications bandwidth), there’s also JS8Call, but it’s sort of slow right now (on 20m at least). You might be interested in SSTV; there are various bands of activity, some on 20m (14.230Mhz and 14.233Mhz) and certainly other bands as well. The advantage of SSTV is that the more popular platforms (MMSSTV, BlackCat SSTV, and fldigi) can take audio input from your sound card and convert it to the SSTV broadcast.

    Pair that up with any WebSDR and you can get nearly any broadcast within reach of your browser and the WebSDR in question.