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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • If we can fight the owners to keep our shitty back breaking jobs and win, we should have fought the owners to rebuild our economy for automation profits to largely benefit the people from the bottom up.

    If we the peasant masses even can win against the tiny owner class oligarchs, lets fight for the right thing. And if we can’t win, well then it’s all masturbation anyway and they’ll do what they want.

    It’s irrational to fight for “we demand to continue to break our backs making your shit instead of robots so we can continue to subsist on menial laborer wages with broken backs!” in any event. That’s some coal miner excuse for logic.

  • Automation isn’t the enemy.

    As ever, the owner class that hoards and wages economic war on you though automation for their exclusive benefit at their society’s expense are your enemy, whether you would fight them or not.

    Arguing that we should “save” back breaking, repetitive unnatural movement, manual labor jobs that break human bodies by the time they’re 40 is the WRONG hill to die on. Fight for the citizenry to reap the benefits of automation through taxation, not to keep shitty jobs robots can do faster and better. Fight to change the economy so that everyone doesn’t need meaningless jobs machines can do better so we can have actual time to live our lives.

    Taxing the fuck out of automation would let everyone win, because a heavily taxed robot is still far cheaper for the company than a human or possibly several humans for that one robot would be, so automation is here either way. We can riot to change our economy to benefit from this technology as we should, or we can be steamrolled yet again by the dictates of the affluent who will demand and get all the benefits and none of the responsibility if not confronted and countered on revolutionary terms.

    Please pick the former. There’s no dignity or meaning to be had shuffling boxes around in an Amazon warehouse. Begging the owners to let us try to continue to compete with literal purpose built repetitive labor machines is not the way.

  • I wonder how many US Presidents actually were believers and how many were just going through the motions because until recently in our history not identifying as one made you a pariah in the US, unwelcome in all the little clubs that could lead to the Presidency.

    Obama seemed way too logical and analytical to actually buy into such irrational things. Trump clearly doesn’t, purely out of narcissistic self-importance making himself his own deity/object of worship.

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.worldtotumblr@lemmy.worldBe the Handbag of Freedom
    2 months ago

    The fact that, even with the advent of digital records, humanity seems incapable of retaining the lessons of history gives me a a pessimistic outlook for our future.

    It only took a single human lifespan for fascism to be on the rise again in Germany, and for their former victims to be undertaking their own final solution.

    Same goes for the Great Depression here in the US, only took 50 years for the Reagan Revolution to hand all the power right back to the avarice ruled profiteer class to thunderous American applause, and many still act confused as to why that’s a catastrophe, as if bread lines and children/seniors literally starving to death in the streets, and yes we’re barreling back to that, was some kind of a fairy tale.

  • Rome always falls in the end.

    Entropy always wins sooner or later.

    The Roman Empire fell to corruption and decadence, and telling various groups whatever pretty lies they want to hear, rather than uncomfortable but necessary truths of our terminal capitalism driven social, economic, and environmental collapse falls firmly under that umbrella.

    The first step to staving off such a collapse would be mass recognition of the problem, and since no one with power and few without are even willing to entertain that reality, collapse it is.

    The quest for RECKLESS growth/metastasis is quite literally ushering in a new dark age of glorified ignorance.

    This is just capitalism. NBC wants to give the ignorant right what they want to hear to grow their profits for their private shareholders. Nothing wrong with indulging the profit motive, amirite? /s

    This isn’t being done because of the fires of fascist hatred, though it will assist the fascists. No, this is collapse by the detached, sociopathic ice of unapologetic, insatiable greed, our society’s absolute core value which is every bit as destructive as hate, and historically far more effective at accomplishing and maintaining that destruction generationally. A fascist will murder you, but a capitalist will keep you, your children, and your children’s children in subservient subsistence, and they don’t even care to know the demographics of their victims.

  • Money far beyond your material needs is power.

    Power to alter entire governments and manipulate your own regulators, power to control others, the basis of grotesque corporate culture, it is a means, not an end.

    Some use that power to buy news outlets and turn people into their ideological zombies, some use that power to build dynasties aka “foundations” out of vanity, and some use their power to “win” old grudges.

    Bibi has sought power in the form of political office to do the last one. Allowing individuals to hold so much uniltateral power, be it in society warping levels of capital or political office without sufficient checks, is the mistake.

    That’s what I have come to call the Paradox of Power. The ones most inclined and driven to seek power at any cost are almost always the last ones that should have it, and almost never have benevolent intent for that power, from a school bully who becomes a cop to a nepo baby who doesn’t like regulations on the family business becoming a Senator.

    In his warped mind, Bibi fought for power to win a holy war, and that’s what he’s been doing. In his mind, he is chosen by God to secure the promised land from Godless animals. Religion sucks, whether one worships at the alter of Yahweh in his case, or Mammon in the capitalist’s case.

  • I campaigned for Bernie twice, phone banked, went door to door, etc, and attended support rallies for Occupy Wall Street, but the more I learned, the more I realized how captured this system is. It has mechanisms in place to divide rising movements and indoctrinate us with the curriculum they inform from K-Colleges of economics to falsely believe we need the wealthy “job creators” and we need to work against each other.

    This system cannot be repaired, it would collapse first before it would accept change that benefits Americans from the worst off up, it has been engineered for the opposite. I take solace in knowing that though I may not live to see it, Rome always falls in the end to its own corruption and decadence, and entropy cannot be cheated. This system will collapse, my money is on when crops start failing en masse from capitalist made climate change.