Very excited by this. Hopefully they go all the way and GPL it. There hasn’t been any mp3 player I’ve enjoyed using as much as Winamp.
Very excited by this. Hopefully they go all the way and GPL it. There hasn’t been any mp3 player I’ve enjoyed using as much as Winamp.
This is what I did. There’s just too many variables to consider between the phones. You need a matrix.
AA’s based outta Kazakhstan though. Lotta good a lawsuit filed in Ohio’s gonna do. At most I could see American ISPs implementing a DNS-level block against the site.
Hell no. Our healthcare is completely screwed right now and instead of school shootings we have everyone car being jacked.
Literally. Canadian news is just American news two weeks behind.
Australia is in the contest. Do what you want with that info.
Linuxwave - - You can generate music from your OS.
Well they also effectively control development of gnome. Not the exact same way Ubuntu did unity but still comparable.
It’s because Ubuntu is a company-backed distro consistently wants to go their own way. Not just snap but they’ve done it before with Unity and Mir (and probably others idk).
Course Fedora does literally the same thing and doesn’t get any hate for it so idk. It’s just a meme.
Personally I don’t like Ubuntu because they didnt go far enough into their own ways but thats just me.
That gopher is literally the reason I have been considering learning go. Same with plan 9.
Huh, didn’t know Krita had a mobile port.
Also would never recomend Simple Gallery. Not cause of the recent purchase but because its poorly programmed. Stupid thing botched the images on my phone.
Sure. Keep up the defeatism. It’s what those in power want. This is probably the only American thing I will never understand.
Yeah sure. Vote democrat. Nothings ever gonna change. Not now. Not ever.
Third party, unironically.
inb4 helping the other side/first-past/throwing votes/electoral college. Gotta show em this is what happens when they are ignored.
Well Ladder is written in Go. 13ft is written in Python.
I think this fits the bill of cruel and unusual punishment.
Well what size should it be? Should it be converted to JXL since it compresses better?
They’re pretty bold. Did the same thing in Canada a few months back too. The Indian government does not want a Sikh state by any means. (though last I checked the idea of Khalistan wasn’t even that popular in that part of India anyways)
oh well there goes any interest I had in it lol
Wow, had no idea this was a thing. I’m gonna check these out. Man I’m so entering next year.