Downgrading should be possible on steam via steam console commands. I noticed large collections on Nexus usually tell you to use some sort of downgrader program but I’ve always just used the steam console instead and been fine.
Downgrading should be possible on steam via steam console commands. I noticed large collections on Nexus usually tell you to use some sort of downgrader program but I’ve always just used the steam console instead and been fine.
They wanted to hear how confident you were in your ability to solve problems with .NET. They didn’t want to hear “aCtUaLlY, nO oNe Is PeRfEcT.”
Yeah, I mean no shit, with hindsight it’s obvious they were looking for the 10/10 answer. I was kicking myself for days afterwards because that’s the only question I felt I answered “wrong”. Tech interviews are such a shit show though that you can start to overthink things as an interviewee. Also, an important aspect of the question that I didn’t mention was they specified “1 is completely new, and 10 is working at Microsoft on the .net framework itself”. The question caught me off guard. I have literally no idea what working at Microsoft on the framework is like. In that context being a 10/10 felt like being among the most knowledgeable person of c# of all time. Could I work on the framework itself? Idk maybe, I’ve never thought about it, I don’t even know what their day to day is. I should’ve just said 10/10 though, it was a dev II position to work on a web app, it wouldn’t have been that hard.
They’re selling a single quest as dlc? I mean if you going to do dlc then at least make a full expansion.
Have you tried photopea? It doesn’t have everything Photoshop has but it’s been able to fit my needs
I’m learning it just now reading this comment!
Personally I would invest in some type of NAS just so you have a way to do offline backups. For a simple/cheap option: most routers have a USB port where you can easily add a hard drive and share files that way. However, imo if onedrive works for you and makes your life easier then there’s no reason to switch to an alternative.
Amen. I once had an interview where they asked what my skill is with .net on a scale of 1 - 10. I answered 6.5 even though at the time I had been doing it for 7 years. They looked annoyed and said they were looking for someone who was a 10. I countered with nobody is a 10, not them or even the people working on the framework itself. I didn’t pass the interview and I think this question was why.
From insider leaks overuse of contractors was what put infinite in the mess it was in the beginning… so they’re just doubling down on using contractors instead of listening to the actual workers. It’s a huge shame because right as 343 started to pick up steam with updates Microsoft started firing everyone.