It is curious as to why the name of the company and CEOs are left out of the title on virtually every article on this scandal.
Furthermore I would imagine the supply would self correct now the excess purchased are removed from the equation
It is curious as to why the name of the company and CEOs are left out of the title on virtually every article on this scandal.
Furthermore I would imagine the supply would self correct now the excess purchased are removed from the equation
After he does these terrible acts and completely ruins lives while simultaneously pushing an ideology that condemns it. He should’ve been forced to apologize on tv and then some jail time.
We have no Left politicians. The 1% control this country and politicians
The narrative on mainstream media is the same biased unsourced garbage. They’re really exposing just how compromised they are with their nonstop simping for Israel
The 1% profits are affected
Sounds like a bully student got bullied back
If it weren’t a way to extract profit and the money stayed in a fund. It would secure society, Almost like social security. Just stop building in flood zones ffs.
We are the Baddies
When they over use sanctions they’ll become meaningless
Bibi should marinate a porcupine in his asshole
Netanyahu paid a leader of Hamas who convinced some ignorant hate filled Palestinians to do it to justify shooting bombs at defenseless women and children in a refugee camp
I offered a plausible explanation never did I suggest it was THE reason. Near zero chance we will ever know
Who knows, how in The world would I know
Israel attacking Palestine again possibly
Let’s hope it’s a Jim Jones situation
Taliban need to go help their Palestinian brothers
Obvious troll is obvious
lol jfc that’s so weak.
You’re right , Its almost as if college should be free, along with healthcare and many others. Perhaps the rich should pay for it similar to other first world countries.
Why would it be?