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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023

  • I have a VPS that uses 1GB of RAM, it has 6-7 apps running in docker containers which isn’t the most ram efficient method of running apps.

    A light OS really helps, plus the most used app that uses a lot of RAM actually reduce their consumption if needed, but use more when memory is free, the web browser. On one computer I have chrome running with some hundreds of MB used, instead of the usual GBs because RAM is running out.

    So it appears that memory is full,but you can actually have a bit more memory available that is “hidden”

  • Tactics against the far right? What tactics? He has done absolutely nothing against the rise of the far right and helped it so many times.

    Hell he has become more extremist every year himself.

    What works against the far is known, we have already done it in the past : everything done by the CNR after the war. A social safety net. He has done nothing but destroying it, not only has he failed to fight the far right, he is actively enabling it.

  • On a more general note than the answer you already got, he is extremely authoritarian, absolutely never listen to the people same for his government, refuses to change his mind on anything and isn’t open to discussion on anything. Even with the state of emergency being declared on part of the territory, he didn’t give anything away to make it stop.

    So he destroys the social net, and people’s beliefs in democracy : that’s the two things you have to do to raise far right anywhere.

  • The idea would simply be to stop giving so many taxes cuts to companies.

    In tenace we recently raised the retirement age because according to the government there was not enough money, the usual bullshit.

    Why bullshit you ask? Because it is the very same government that removed three times as much as what they said was missing from pension funds in taxes on companies. They also reduced taxes on capital gains, to bring it to a lower level as what someone middle class would pay on their salary, part of which goes to finance pensions.

    We have the money, we always have, it is just a matter of choosing where to put it. Most government of the West decided to put it in the hands of the few richest.

  • Fascism and democracy are on a spectrum, and we definitely aren’t as close to democracy as I would like.

    Depending on where you draw the line on the spectrum you can consider France is fascist, or in a pre-fascist state.

    The executive is very powerful, to the point that the minister of justice is currently undergoing trial, and keeps his position. Of course he is judged by a literal two speed justice system, by a special court reserved for members of the executive branch.

  • This is essentially how it works in France… And it’s bad. The president gets elected with 20% of the votes and then he has a majority in the parliament (relative majority for this term) but it means the parliament is useless. Look up article 49.3 of the constitution and its uses by the current prime minister.