¡ɹǝpun uʍop ɯoɹɟ ʎɐppᴉפ

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Brownian Motion@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldNew dishwasher video drop
    22 days ago

    I hate this guy with a passion. He is not intelligent, but hell he sure likes to speak down to you like his shit doesn’t stink.

    Speaking of dishwashers, this is the last thing you should be listening about from him, given the shitshow of a video he made which even had Bosch and other manufacturers contact him and tell him how incorrect he was.

  • This is not really a story, is it.

    I worked for an Australian company, that was bought by an American company. Instantly we were required to do business as per American law, such as embargo’s. We lost many customers (businesses) that honestly had nothing to do with the actual reason for the embargos. For example Iran has an American embargo because of nuclear refinement, but we just wanted to sell “knives and forks” to them. Nope - they might use those forks in their refinement centrifuges… This is what happens (but also why embargos work).

    Kaspersky is Russian owned, so the hacks were discovered by Russian [whitehat] hackers. I’ll bet that Apple had no ability to do “business” with the company, even if it wanted to, since Russia is currently under embargo due to the Ukraine conflict.

    Now if Kaspersky spent time undermining it’s own failure of a government, and putting an end to its dictatorship, things would probably work out better for everyone in Russia.

  • I find Joplin perfect for my needs. Markdown, embedding images, links etc. I sync to my selfhosted nextcloud.

    I like tags, I would like them to add a “directory tree” type of view to help sort “folders” (the thing they call “notebooks”) but only because I am more used to just filesystem type structured filing. But the notebooks and tagging idea works for me too.

    I strictly use it for notes/note keeping, in particular “HOWTO’s” and specific topic notes. So I dont even do a great deal of markdown in my notes, but I love the ability to add screen captures etc to them for clarity.

    And being on nextcloud, I can access those notes anywhere on any device, PC, Android, Raspberry Pi!! Joplin has an app for all of them

  • I know this is not useful for most use cases, but if you login to the desktop on the ‘remote Wayland’, locally first then RD will work as expected. So if you can change the behaviour of the remote desktop to stay unlocked (IE its in a secure place where others cannot just access the device), then and RD will work with Wayland.

    I use NoMachine (since I manage all sorts of devices, and its nice that there is a client and server for everything including phones/arm) and it works for me because many of the machines are actually VM’s and I can keep the desktops unlocked and logged in. NoMachines solution for Wayland - is to disable it and use X11 !!

    But I wish many of the RD developers would just embrace Wayland and add/rewrite code to support it (If it is in their scope, I don’t know) It might not be, since I am aware of Waypipe and Pipewire, but I’d assume that RD devs would still need to include support for that.

  • Thats not how it works.

    You have a LAN and hopefully you have a firewall that shields your LAN from WAN. Your fw is probably handing out DHCP lease IP (like 192.168.x.y)

    When you “bridge” your VM looks like an independant device on you LAN. Nothing at this point has allowed it to the public. Your dhcp can even give it an IP (but its probably better to set a static ip). In bridge mode, a "fake mac is spoofed alongside you nic’s real mac, and only for said VM)

    At that point the VM id accessible likr any other device on the LAN.

    if you then want to use vpn, just connect to your LAN however that works(vpn to computer or vpn to firewall/vpn server) and access.

    if you want to access from WAN without vpn, then you need to understand reverse proxying and youll need a full proper firewall\gateway device at the front of your network (like OPNsense).

  • Let me offer another thought, if you are literally hanging on to windows for this, you could set up a VM in linux for this task. This is how I manage win only apps like my security client (camera vms). You have a license for windows, make it more useful. (and no rebooting to swap!)

    Or, a little more controversial, choose another player instead of Apple ipod. Plenty alternates that just work with linux.

    I used to have an ipod 20 years ago, and there was a linux “itunes” application, but I doubt its still maintained, or apple has made it impossible for 3rd parties to manage an ipod.

  • Your second, third and fourth points eliminate many distros such as Ubuntu. And many of the distros out there are based on Debian.

    Debian isn’t really stale. It is currently running kernel 6.1.10 which is not a long way from 6.1.39 (longterm, and that only came out 2 days ago). Stable gets constant updates. Testing is also generally very stable. The only thing that stops testing moving into stable is what are considered Release Critical bug count. All documented here: https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-faq/ftparchives#testing

    Also while Debian 12 is LTS, it won’t stop 13 from coming out and it doesn’t stop you from upgrading to 13 (although you may lose LTS if they decide that 13 will not be LTS).

    Debian is about as open as you can get, certainly does not infringe on your 2, 3 and 4th points.

    Only other thing is what you are doing with your Linux, this might make a difference (you say daily driver, but doing what? Just office stuff, or heavy video editing, etc)

  • Until we see what this actually means, it’s just speculation.

    But I will say this, I dropped Ubuntu when they forced snaps on me, I only needed super slim server installs that I could make into what I needed. As a result this actually doesn’t mean much to me, other than its clear that Ubuntu has been making bad decisions in the last few years.

    However, If I couldn’t install a minimal desktop with no apps like libreoffice, firefox and a bunch of stupid games, I would be pissed right off.