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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • That’s a part of it. Another part is that it looks for patterns that it can apply in other places, which is how it ends up hallucinating functions that don’t exist and things like that.

    Like it can see that English has the verbs add, sort, and climb. And it will see a bunch of code that has functions like add(x, y) and sort( list ) and might conclude that there must also be a climb( thing ) function because that follows the pattern of functions being verb( objects ). It didn’t know what code is or even verbs for that matter. It could generate text explaining them because such explanations are definitely part of its training, but it understands it in the same way a dictionary understands words or an encyclopedia understands the concepts contained within.

  • That first one is trolling. And you might be right about it not being smart to goad on those who fear them as an existential threat, but sometimes people just get to the point where they don’t care about the consequences and just want to give some of the negative feelings they’ve felt back to some of those who gave them to them.

    For the second one, did you listen to the song after the “we’re going to convert your kids” bit? Because they aren’t talking about converting anyone gay but converting them to not be hateful about shit that isn’t worth being hateful about.

    On that note, I don’t understand how any straight person can even believe that converting people gay is a thing. There’s nothing anyone could say or do that would make men sexually interesting to me. There is no temptation I have to fight, even though I think it’s ok to be gay and that it would double my pool of potential sexual partners.

    For the third one, I do struggle with listening to choirs, but the parts that I did catch sounded more like “your children aren’t your property whose thoughts and feelings you should control if they don’t line up with yours” than a “those aren’t your kids, they are ours”. The “through you, not from you” bit did sound more religious (personally, I’d go for more of a “from you but once separated, they are separate”). But I only listened to half of it and was distracted by the comments for part of that so maybe someone else can comment more on that last one.

    I hope you aren’t banned for any of this conversation. For what it’s worth, you do seem more genuine about this than most who come to places that are as hostile to your beliefs as this place is. And I don’t think just censoring the other side does anything but polarize anyone’s positions.

  • Car doors that aren’t on teslas don’t fail open, they are reliable enough that I can’t think of hearing about any failures that don’t involve a collision and deforming of the door (in which case it’s a fail closed and they use the jaws of life to get people out, or another door).

    An electronic latch is either engaged or it isn’t. Fail open would mean that in the absence of an electronic signal saying it should be closed, the latch will default to not being engaged, which would mean there’s nothing holding the door closed if another force acts on it.

    Don’t assume any benefit of the doubt about Tesla’s. I made no comment one way or another about what I think of their doors vs other doors. For the record, I agree completely that they fucked up this part of the design. The purpose of my comment was to say that taking that design and adding “fail open” to it won’t fix it. Fail open and fail closed both have problems with an electronic latch and the only way to fix it without causing other big problems is to design it in a way that still functions as a door that can be open or latched closed whether or not the electronic part of the latch is working.

    And I’m “deliberately misinterpreting” what fail open means? I’m having trouble understanding how it can mean anything other than how I’m interpreting it, even with your clarification, given the disagreement about other car doors failing open. Maybe it’s a misnomer that I’m misinterpreting but why are you assuming I’m doing this in bad faith?

    The downvotes themselves don’t matter, I asked because I wanted to know the reasoning behind them, well aware that bringing them up at all will probably result in more of them.

  • For the fail-safe bit, if the latching system fails to an unlatched position, then the inertia of the door itself could cause it to open on braking and turns (or if someone leans on it or bumps it), since nothing else would be holding it in place.

    Obligatory fuck Elon Musk lol.

    It’s not generally as bad here as it is on Reddit. I still see the occasional comments that make me wonder if their author has any reading comprehension skills, but Reddit seemed to have representation from those kinds of posters in most comment threads. Even on the topics where Lemmy has general biases for, comments can still go off the beaten trail without getting crucified.

    Though with the smaller sample size of voters, I think Lemmy might see more cases where a comment initially goes one way and then swings the other way, which seems to be the case with my comment above, at least for now (and is part of the reason why I try to refrain from ever commenting on the votes, but usually there’s also a spicy or bolder part of my comment where I’m not as surprised if it goes negative).

  • IMO you should post the videos. The context might make which case it is clearer, or at least rule out or confirm the “they are making fun of people who believe this” possibility.

    The whole thing is just too absurd to do anything other than not take it seriously. Like I’m skeptical of pretty much everything you said there other than the drag queen part (though are schools hiring them or are some volunteering to do a reading thing for kids?).

    Do you have any examples of that homosexual erotica in school libraries? That statement about teachers teaching kids things that have nothing to do with actual education is very broad and vague, but some examples would also be helpful, along with being more specific since that statement would include random trivia a teacher might mention for fun and parts of the curriculum that have debatable usefulness (like cursive writing), which I don’t think you’re talking about.

    And drag queens are just men in dresses or other women’s clothing. The purpose of their reading thing is for them to provide a good service for children to specifically show that they aren’t evil delinquents who will predate children at any opportunity.

    I wish it was that easy to protect children from predators, just picking some bad groups of others and putting a fence between them and our children. But just like a man wearing a dress or being interested in other males doesn’t imply they will be interested in children, a man not wearing a dress or being interested in other males doesn’t imply that they aren’t interested in children.

    The reality is that we need to pay attention and communicate with our kids, and most importantly educate them about sexual stuff so that they can know to tell us if something does happen to them. Don’t you see that keeping them ignorant about all this stuff means that it leaves room for a groomer or molester to “educate” them? That treating homosexuality the same as actual sexual crimes when it’s not a choice could mean some gay people will decide it’s no big deal to predate children since they are already “doing evil” just by being gay?

  • Buddahriffic@lemmy.world
    toMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOnly The Best Groomers
    5 days ago

    LGBT+ people are people. That means they run the full gamut that you see in people who aren’t LGBT+. The difference is in sexuality and/or gender. Gay people like men, bi people like both, lesbians like women, trans people have a gender and biological sex that don’t line up. Other than that, they value and dislike similar things to everyone else.

    They feel similarly about children as anyone else. That’s not to say that every one of them feels the exact same way about it, but that a similar portion of them are protective, nurturing, neutral, avoidant, or predatory towards children as is the general public.

    They also use humour to ridicule the absurd, which would apply to the idea that LGBT+ people have a collective agenda when it comes to kids (or anything that isn’t reducing dangers to and increasing acceptance of people who are like them or otherwise marginalized for their sexuality or gender, though even that doesn’t apply universally).

    You’re getting a negative response to your comments because the conclusion you draw from them doesn’t make logical sense. The most that they could show is that the group of individuals shown in the video has intents like that. My first guess, based on your description, is that they are trolling people who believe in the gay agenda. Second guess would be it’s actually people who hate gays pretending to be them to say this and get more people to hate them. Third guess would be that some LGBT+ pedophiles were emboldened by their own mistaken ideas of what pride is and thought they could be open about something that should get some eyes on them.

  • Yeah, it was very clearly written by people who didn’t know that much about how the world worked but did know that they could trick others into believing they were experts. And in the very first story, they added a warning to try to prevent others from figuring out things and proving them wrong: the original sin was eating from the tree of knowledge.

    How that doesn’t scream, “Stay ignorant so I can continue to control you!” to everyone who reads it and isn’t a child who still trusts everything, I can’t understand.