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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • Not being diagnosed with ADHD until my 30’s, I was concerned about taking stimulants… Man did they ever highlight all the ways I had adjusted my life to try and cope, and all the self-medicating I was doing with caffeine and energy drinks. While some adjustments were still necessary, I could finally do things like:

    • wash the dishes without wanting to peel my skin off
    • regularly cook meals instead of eat garbage
    • get my work done in a normal 8 hour day instead of taking 12 hours and stressing out all day about the time I was wasting and ultimately having no time for my chores

    Considering how damn hard it is to get meds now because everyone else is abusing them, I’m off them more often than I’m on them. Back to negative performance reviews, stressful days, viciously hating what should be boring or mildly annoying tasks for anyone else. Only difference now is I don’t hate myself because I finally understand what parts of this are and are not my fault. I mean that helps me live with myself but I’d really rather just have meds again.

  • In the first paragraph of JSON5’s site:

    It is not intended to be used for machine-to-machine communication.

    YAML is not supported by a lot of enterprise software (example: Azure pipelines supports it but Power Automate does not). JSON, XML, CSV, or failing that Text are the safe bets. We use a few options for reading or building presentation layers quickly. Ultimately the idea is to move data around in a way that is friendly to our current and future applications.

  • I got asked by a team of first timers who have never done any professional coding or design if I wanted to chip in on a competitive MMOFPS they want to make.

    That’s not going to happen. Between the rise of cheating, the insane hardware and optimization requirements of an MMOFPS, the general lack of interest in the genre (most have died due to low player counts), and the sheer amount of time and effort involved in designing and balancing the game even after it’s largely feature complete? Forget it, I’m better off buying lottery tickets than hoping for anything to come of that.

  • You didn’t prove anything, you typed a bunch of antisemitic bullshit

    No you typed out a whole bunch of bullshit, all I did was change the word “men” out for “Jew”. Suddenly what you said was so hateful it got deleted for being against the rules. You honestly don’t see how what you said is against the rules if you say it about any other demographic?

    I’ll go right on ahead harming nobody with my cautious approach to interacting with men

    In America, black people are much more likely to commit violent crime. Using your logic, does that mean I would be justified in taking a “cautious approach” when being around black people?

  • This is like those really embarrassing 2000’s era gotchas where someone would say some cringe shit like “you spelled X wrong and therefore I win this argument”. You said the following:

    I already made it. The Nazi Gun Control argument. Afghanistan is back to how it was before the U.S. invaded, thousands of deaths later, so if that’s an example of how the Nazi Gun Control argument is false, it’s a poor one.

    How exactly am I to interpret this if not you saying that Afghan culture has a problem, or that you are comparing them to Nazis? Do you believe that the culture the Americans brought with them was better? If so, can you share a few ways American culture is better than Afghan culture?

  • No, that is what you’re saying. You started with choosing the bear because you said men are dangerous, then when it was shown how hateful what you said is, you refused to acknowledge it and attempted to paint me as an anti-semite despite the fact that all I did was use your words. Now you’re saying you didn’t actually mean all men, you just meant rapists, as if using “men” interchangeably with “rapist” isn’t the core of the whole damn problem in the first place.

    This is a Motte-and-Bailey argument and it’s bullshit. You are a hateful bigot. Admit it.