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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Don’t blame the president: WE decided to go in and kill a ton of Taliban, WE decided to spend actual trillions standing up and equipping an army that did not give enough of a fuck about anything but grifting. The ANA did not even try to slow down the Taliban when the US stopped acting as a backstop. Afghanistan never really thought of itself as a cohesive nation, we were never going to change their psyche.

    I’d rather blame Bush and Obama for sinking trillions into helping their friends get rich at the cost of everyone pretending we were building a real country.

  • General rule, 1-2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than we have now.

    Which is bonkers considering we’re really close to exact when we measure things like the weight of individual atoms… But we measure using things like the energy the atom releases when being smashed at close to the speed of light. All those measurements have some inaccuracy that stacks, even if the math is precise, so it’s, analogous to using 22/7 in place of pi. you need 10x more granularity to register that pi is 3.141… and not 3.142… need new inventions in the way to measure to know for sure.

  • This assumes a level of focus, presence of mind, and training to reliably discriminate between injurious and non-injurious active threats and measure your response with non-lethal force on a gamble that your attacker is non going to be physically violent towards you.

    Cops fail at this all the time, it’s not reasonable to treat non-injurious threats as acceptable behavior and demand non-police with zero legal protections handle it better.

    If you’re going to walk up to a stranger in the street and threaten them, then proceed to advance when they respond with “please stop! Get away from me!”, you have forfeited any right to benefit of the doubt on their part.