wiki-user: car

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I use the back buttons as alternative shoulder buttons.

    My right bumper button broke and I can’t find cheap replacement daughterboards, so bandaid it is. I can’t just solder in a new switch because the leads on the PCB broke. Seems to be a failure common mode for the bumpers if you ever hit the corner or drop it. The way the bumper is designed transfers the full force directly to the PCB instead of to the shell or any actual structural component.

  • There’s a difference between surrender and defection.

    Soldiers who surrender are afforded protections and retain ties to their countries. After hostilities resolve or if a prisoner transfer is arranged, they return to their country and generally do not face punishment. At least according to Geneva conventions on lawful war. It’s rarely this simple and clean.

    Soldiers who defect have few, if any, protections and are in a weird place with nationality. They are typically considered fugitives by their home countries and may or may not be able to travel internationally as they may also be stateless.

  • What the hell?

    That’s an awful take on life. Replace “men” who can overpower women with a race of people who have larger physiques than the average people or perhaps with those who hail from culture who has had a more violent past. We’re obviously just assuming things, so why not? A generic man can overpower a generic woman just as much as a generic Norwegian person can overpower a generic Korean person.

    That’s saying that you can’t trust your kids to sleep over at the house of anybody who isn’t like you. I really hope that you guys aren’t pushing this world view on children.

  • I’m not sure where our disconnect is. We have a situation where both sides can cooperate, one side can defect, or both sides can defect. Call it whatever you want, it’s the same scenario.

    Here it’s with planning for military force. Do you risk a nuclear strike to save yourself from one? If you can get a first strike (defect), then you win. If you both refrain (cooperate), then you stay alive. If you both attempt a first strike (defect), you all lose.

    Change the words around and it’s the same.

    Both suspects don’t tell (cooperate), both get minimum or no jail time. One tells on the other (defects), that one gets off but the other gets maximum. Both tell on each other (defect), both get some jail time.

  • Same as any other energy cost. Modern societies rely on some type of energy to exist. Maybe the poor people will suffer because they can’t afford to fill up their vehicles with the cheaper dirty fuel and miss out on work opportunities. Maybe everybody suffers because the cheaper dirty fuel catalyzes harmful pollutants into the air which everybody breathes.

    I guess it’s easy to say don’t buy cheap fuel because it’s bad for you, but if the alternative means not having a job or something to people with little to lose, that’s a call that’s harder to sell.