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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023

  • Chup@feddit.detoEurope@feddit.deGermany Is Seizing Jews’ Money Again
    6 months ago

    Certainly seems like a questionable move by the bank, though it’s entirely possible we’re missing more context.

    There was an article yesterday explaining that the frozen account belongs to an organisation that funds other organisations. One of those is accused of supporting/funding terrorism. So at the end, the bank has no choice and nothing to decide on their own, once they get knowledge of this accused connection. Otherwise they would to get dragged into the case as well and prosecution against them could be opened. Which is why they froze the bank account for now and sent a questionnaire about the organisation and their members to evaluate the situation. That is all, nothing was seized, the title is a lie.

  • Are there elections coming in France?

    We are hearing big words from Macron over and over in the last few weeks to support Ukraine - yet France is far behind when in comes to supporting Ukraine financially or with military equipment. And please don’t bring that Reddit meme ‘France is doing everything secretly and nobody knows about it’. Democratic financing in billions of Euros is public and not a high toilet paper bill like in Hollywood movies from the 80s. There is of course a lot of proportionate support by France within the EU-assistance, as France is a big economy and paying into the EU budget. It’s a similar situation with Italy, as they are another big economy within the EU. Both EU ‘power houses’ are far behind when it comes to direct support for Ukraine.

    Macron has been telling us just last week, that the local EU arms industry needs more orders to enable low and competitive prices. He also told us support for Ukraine should only receive subsidies for EU-made products. And last week we saw statistics that the arm industry/exports from the USA and France profited the most from the Russian invasion in Ukraine, as everyone is getting their military up to date and ordering a lot. So everything plays in his hands and France is reaping in big profits and getting support for its huge arms industry. Yet, the country is far behind in supporting Ukraine and Macron keeps calling other countries to support Ukraine more - or here that ‘Europe will lose all credibility’.

    What is going on here? Elections?

  • The motivation from the previous nationalist PiS government in Poland was mainly anything they could to do against Russia or against Germany.

    So by supporting Ukraine with military equipment, they were acting against Russia. But at the same time slowed down German support for Ukraine, by blocking maintenance and factories for Ukrainian equipment in Poland. Leading to long transports across to other countries e.g. Latvia for maintenance.

    Now, with the grain, this has no Russian involvement and their own farmers are unhappy. So there is no way to go against Russia or against Germany. Also there is a new government in Poland, so I guess we have to see how that develops now.

  • If you believe the information on CNN is wrong, you could just use a web search for a different source to check and compare for yourself. Or just go to unrwa.org and their press releases:

    26 January 2024 AMMAN,

    “The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

    “To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay. Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

    “UNRWA reiterates its condemnation in the strongest possible terms of the abhorrent attacks of 7 October and calls for the immediate and unconditional release of all Israeli hostages and their safe return to their families.

    “These shocking allegations come as more than 2 million people in Gaza depend on lifesaving assistance that the Agency has been providing since the war began. Anyone who betrays the fundamental values of the United Nations also betrays those whom we serve in Gaza, across the region and elsewhere around the world”.

    Quote from here: https://www.unrwa.org/newsroom/official-statements/serious-allegations-against-unrwa-staff-gaza-strip

  • Misleading title.


    “We hear threats from the Kremlin almost every day … so we have to take into account that Vladimir Putin might even attack a NATO country one day,” Pistorius said in an interview with the Berlin-based Der Tagesspiegel newspaper.

    While a Russian attack is not likely “for now,” the minister added: “Our experts expect a period of five to eight years in which this could be possible.”

    There is no warning of an attack. There is an analysis that it’s not likely for now. And earliest where something like this could become possible, would be that mentioned time frame. That is not what the word warning means. That is a statement about a vague estimate of an unlikely event - of course way less catchy title.

  • As per comment on the hacker news discussion, Dropbox AI was apparently introduced and mentioned in the changelog on October 10, 2023 only for users from the USA.

    “Dropbox AI is currently in alpha and available in the US in EN only for Dropbox Pro, Standard, Advanced, Essentials, Business, and Business Plus. Some features may be available soon for eligible non-US customers to test.”

    I just checked my settings before reading that comment and there is no such setting on my free account (‘Basic’) from the EU.

  • Musst nicht einmal schlecht sein dort weit oben zu stehen:

    Erfasst werden alle in einem Staat anfallenden Verpackungsabfälle, unabhängig davon, ob sie in der Industrie, im Handel, im Büro, in Geschäften, im Dienstleistungsbereich, in Haushalten oder auf einer anderen Ebene erzeugt werden.

    Die wichtigsten Verpackungsmaterialien sind Glas, Papier und Pappe, Kunststoffe, Metalle (Aluminium und Stahl) sowie Holz.

    Es könnte auch heißen wir setzen mehr auf recyclebare und schwerere Verpackungen aus Glas bzw. auch Pappe ist schwerer als eine Plastikverpackung. Die Statistik geht rein nach Gewicht. Wir könnten also einfach ein solideres Kreislaufsystem bei Verpackungen haben und auf diese Weise mehr Gewicht in die Statistik bringen. Darauf geht der verlinkte Artikel leider nicht ein.

    Bspw. die Biscotto American Cookies von Aldi auf meinem Tisch hier: Letztes Jahr hatten die noch einen hauchdünnen Plastikeinsatz innerhalb der Plastikfolie. Jetzt ist es ein dickerer Träger aus Pappe für die Kekse.

  • I’m a layman when it comes to solar installations, but I read a bit into the topic, as I want an installation on my balcony next year.

    I read that partial shadows on the panels are the worst due to the connection in series of the individual plates. There are rows or even loops connected on a panel and with a part of that connected series covered in shadow, it results in a fraction of the power output. A tiny shadow results in a huge loss.

    If that is your garden, you should fix that to avoid shadows onto each other.

  • I think there are also different mentalities. Just last winter, I had a similar discussion, where someone explained to me that the room heating is meant to fully offset the temperature, so he can walk summer and winter in shorts, t-shirt and barefoot. So it’s 23°C in winter.

    While I’m used to wearing jogging pants and socks indoor during winter, so 18°C is fine for me.

    Then again, you also have to adjust for personal preferences, different sex, different heating infrastructure etc. But 23°C to go shorts and barefoot in winter was an extreme reveal to me, that people do something like this as well.

  • media literacy will be woven into existing classes and lessons

    It’s surprising to me, that the USA/California only now decides to include that into school lessons. I thought that’s a common thing around the world.

    Already 20 years ago in school, I remember we had media literacy by analysing and comparing newspapers. We got a selection of papers that the teacher bought and we had to check for design, formatting, letter size, pictures, categories, order, article size and content, factual reporting etc. Just full on analysis for teens to understand different styles in writing, reporting, publishing. Even comparing the same articles, written by different newspapers and how things can be expressed differently giving different impressions but originating from the same event.

    Is that not common during school in Europe / around the world for decades?