Disco + slugs

  • 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I’m trying to think rationally and pragmatically

    Ahh yes the rational thought process which leads you to think a government is capable of Safely facilitating the production of csam. ???

    They are unable to stop child poverty but totally capable to producing CSAM in a safe way…

    Spare me Your fact finding mission.

    Im not an expert or a social worker but i can tell But i can tell you that drug addiction and pedophilia are not the same.

    To consider these two the same, as the original commentor did, is disgisting, offensive and ignorant.

    There is no inherent victim with drug use. The same cannot be said pedophilia and Child sexual assualt.

    While there is always a spectrum of people particpating in child victimization. The people who are the creators of the CSAM and those who participate in its distribution are not addicts. The are predators.

    I’m not trying to defend rapists and pedophiles

    Well you are…

  • I’m genuinely wondering if this would actually reduce the harm caused to real children. If so, I think it should be legal.

    So tired of seeing this point made. Allowing animated or AI generated CSAM to exists openly and legally will not reduce violence against childern. It will increase it. It will normalized it.

    You seem to think people who are willing and capable of commiting sexual violence against childern are going to do it less when theres a robust market of leaglly accessable CSAM.

    It wont. it will instead create predator pipelines. It will take people with mild sexual disorders and histories of their own sexual assualts as childern and feed them CSAM. It will create more predators.

    It will allow for communities of pedophiles to exist openly, findable on google searchs and advertised on regular porn sites.

    Also the people who make AI generated CSAM are not going to be water marking it a AI genrated.

    They are going to make it as real as possible. it will be indistinguishable to the naked eye and thus allow for Actual CSAM to masquarade and AI generated.

    I could go on. But im not an expert on any of this.

  • We can all adopt a plant based diet which will absolutely slow change as well as cost less than a diet that involves meat.

    Found the vegan.

    Some people need to eat meat: Like my room mate who has mass cell activation.

    Also many indigenous peoples have dishes that involve meat. They are not apart of this problem.

    Frankly there are a lot of reason to eat meat. If I go out and shoot my own deer and butcher it and cook it this does not effect the climate the same way as buying beef of the shelf.

    And while beef is particularly resource and land intensive so are many vegetables you see at grocery stores.

    Do you eat avocados? Because most avocados grown in mexico are done under control by violent cartels.

    Many people probably should eat less meat. But acting like EVRYONE can do this is wrong on many fronts.

    If you want to be a vegetarian please do. But lets stop acting like its a real solution to climate change or even a option for many people. It isnt.

  • You said the film felt ultimately pretentious, that’s what I was responding to in that comment. Idk how this movie came off as pretentious considering the real world implications of his life.

    People seem to be misunderstanding me here, i am saying Christopher Nolan is pretentious. not Oppenheimer the person. Not Oppenheimer’s actual life. I am not calling the events depicted inthe film pretentious.

    Im calling the director, Christopher Nolan pretentious. specifically His chioce to make the movie so Loud it hurt my ears and was visibly uncomfortable other viewers.

    But The main thing I find pretentious, is Nolan’s choice to not use CGI for the Trinity test scene.

    I didnt even know this was the case when I went to the film. I was simply underwhelmed by the explosion in the scene. And later started googling the film only to find out that he didnt use CGI.

    I dont care who you are. If you make movie about the Father of the nuke. The nuke scene should not be underwhelming. Thats my opinion at least.

  • Im glad you liked it. Sincerely. I did too. but it is pretentious af to make a nuke scene in a movie about the father of the nuke, without CGI. Fullstop. He could just use very little cgi. Idk. But for me that scene was not a believable depiction of the trinity Test.

    Seems to me like you were expecting a movie about the making of the atom bomb, when the movie was clearly focusing on the life of the man who created it.

    Omg. You’re the second person to say this. I find this take hilarious. Maybe you’re right. But Am I really that out of bounds to expect The Trinity test to be a little more big?

    It didn’t even look like the trinity test footage.

    So yeah I had expectations, I expected a director who seems to be very concerned about historically accurate depictions… to depict the trinity test historically accurate.

    It’s a big deal to me. Sorry.

    As for the sound, in my theater everything sounded great, maybe just slightly too loud in some scenes. Could it be just a bad setup?

    I saw it in 70mm imax as Christopher Nolan himself recommended. The sound was unbearable for many scenes.

    So Im glad your theather was good but if mr.nolan cant make his movie sound decent in his recommend fomat. I think he should maybe turn it down alittle? Im not the first person to make this critque of this movies.

    Many people said the same of Tenet.