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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023

  • Here an easy resource from a website that usually have receipt: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_war_crimes?wprov=sfti1

    Here is some notes to help you with wikipedia.

    • you read the overall sentence. Usually it ends with a source or multiple. Usually news article, research paper, books, blogs and many other form.

    • sometimes you can open the link to it is own specific page which usually have more details.

    • if you are not sure about a specific incident or don’t like the wordings, you can:

    1. select the incident title or information
    2. right mouse click.
    3. choose “Copy” from the menu
    4. open a search engine, it is a website that you can write things into and it will gave you information about you can check put.
    5. put the text you copied into the search bar
    6. click search
    7. you will see a list of information about the incident
    8. read
    9. understand
    • if that doesn’t work you can always ask in a new post about where to find more information about the topic you are interested in.

  • You remember when people were confused where ISIS people come from? It is the same for the IDF.

    When you tell people they can get citizenship, a home, and some free stuff. People who agree are not normal. People who stay are not normal, and considering morally ethical people would not participate or leave, you end up with immoral, inhumane with latest weapons who are ready to kill their own anytime. These people don’t care because they believe their leaders will protect them and maybe good will reward them.

    Now add to that the scum who for 7 or 8 month still giving them the support. I put them in the same level of inhumane, low for of people, losers.

  • As an Iranian person if the government says look what the USA doing to your brothers and family in Iraq, Syria, Palestine. Look at what they do to Palestinians in west bank with continuous colonization and in Gaza suppotred by the USA. This will definitely lead to more radicalized people who want them out.

    Now if the USA left the region. What the Iranian will say to their people? Lets fight USA ? They will be asking why we need to fight them ? In fact most likely they will be overthrowing the current government and end up in a new revolution.

    I am not sure what you mean by your last sentence. Iraq after Sadam has more Iranian influence thay before. And Afghanistan might also have more influence from Iran than before.