• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • On the internet? In general I take someone that spells “God” with a capital to be a theist (usually only 2 of 3 monotheistic believes, because Muslims usually use “Allah” probably). Or perhaps raised as a theist, lost their faith, but not bitter against their old faith. while if someone uses “god” they are probably not a theist.

    Makes sense to me too: I as a theist would refer to “Thor” as a “god” because to me it is not an entity that exists. It would only make sense for someone that is an atheist to not use a capital to refer to my “God”: They don’t believe it to be a real entity after all.

    E: although, I guess fictional characters do use capitals, so maybe I’m wrong.

  • I guess that’s where I have a limited understanding of how Internet and maybe even exploits works: how would people even find my machine? There is little to no incentive, unlike with a corporation. They must know where my door is to even use the keys.

    Can you just sort of do a brute force scan of all machines currently on the internet? Seems unlikely. In my mind, you can only access a machine if you have some idea about it’s whereabouts, either physically or digitally. But then again, I have no knowledge about these kinds of things.

  • As others have stated: you don’t necessarily need to read music for it to be fun. And there are different ways of notation. Chords, for example, are a great way to learn music without having to read on a per note basis.

    Acoustic guitar is fairly easy to pick up. It will take a few days of pain to get your fingers accustomed to pressing the strings though. Takes quite some pressure from your fingers. But after those first few days, you’re golden. It’s also easier to change in which “key” you play a song(oversimplified: how high or low the whole song is).

    Piano is another pretty easy instrument to learn chords on. The upside of piano is that you won’t have pain in the fingers for your first few days. You press and you’ll have a sound. It is harder to play in different “keys” though.

    Keyboard is an interesting one too: You’ll learn chords like with the piano, but you’ll have acces to more sounds, backing tracks etc in your keyboard if you’d go that route.

    Flutes and such are quite easy to get into, but can be a bit less interesting if you only play on your own.

    But in the end, most instruments takes practice and time. Just set your own goals on what you find important.

  • Posted this somewhere else too, but saying Theremin is easy is just crazy. It is one of, if not THE most precise instrument there is.

    The pitch can vary per session if you happen to have different CLOTHES on. It is that precise. Carolina Eyck on Youtube has some great videos about the basics. She shows how complicated playing tonally is with a Theremin.

    Easy to have fun with though, but playing along with other music is really hard. You need very good ears to succesfully play a Theremin