Sure, buddy. Whatever you say.
Sure, buddy. Whatever you say.
Bird-watching is very relaxing and surprisingly engaging. You get to know your local birds as individuals with personalities. It’s pretty neat.
Slightly more active, but not by much, raising native bees is low effort and it can be enjoyable to watch the bees go about their business in your garden or yard, assuming you have flowers. In fact, once you get the bees, you might become more interested in gardening because you need to get some nice flowers for the bees, naturally.
You could do like I’ve done–raise native bees. I don’t know where you are, but in my area, mason bees and leafcutter bees are both native, solitary species. This means that they don’t create hives but rather nest in holes/tubes. There’s no queen. No honey. Very little work compared to keeping honeybees and better for the environment (assuming honeybees are not native to your area).
As a bonus, if you grow any plants, they make great pollinators. And when you first get the bees and they emerge from their cocoons, they are tiny and adorable and a joy to watch. They’re also very passive and almost never sting.
Not for everything! I find that hobbies which are based around nature tends to have very welcoming and helpful communities online. Gardening, bird watching, hydroponics, that sort of thing.
Is this the new term being used to stigmatize the unemployed and disabled? Sure sounds like it.
The response to my comment suggests you’re right on that.
“Advocating for protecting a peaceful allied democracy, which has been actively fighting to improve its democratic system and root out corruption for years, from being destroyed and annexed by one of our two notable national enemies? Preposterous!”
It’s not as though the US is actually losing money over this. We’re making weapon sales and using old lend lease practices. And when the war is over, and Putin’s regime pushed out, investment in the country would also be lucrative. There is no reason for the US not to want Ukraine to survive.
On top of that, again, these are peaceful, innocent people (who willingly gave up nuclear weapon technology in order to achieve that peace), who are now being invaded and slaughtered by a foreign nation. Having their children abducted and indoctrinated into the idea that there is no Ukraine. It’s genocide.
I’m with you until the last paragraph. Corner stores are all over the place in Japan. It’s fantastic.
We should be sending THAADs to Ukraine. There’s been plenty of time to train their own soldiers to use it.
We’re seeing similar in Seattle, except the kids doing the burglaries, car jackings, shootings, etc, are often in their later teens.
Gee, I wonder if this could have anything to do with the oligarchs owning all of the mainstream media sources.
Any evidence that means testing is popular among the Democratic party these days? The '90s is a long time ago now.
Some people own their homes and don’t have mortgages.
That’s nothing to do with Democrats in particular.
I make two types. One that is filled with mashed potatoes with a little bit of cheese and one that is filled with a sauerkraut and mushroom mixture.
Wow, aren’t you needlessly aggressive.
Can confirm. My graduate CS class was almost entirely young men from China. There were two or three young women from China as well. And, including myself, I think three non-international students (all of us Caucasian).
International students are very profitable for universities, and there are a lot of young Chinese men applying for them in the US. And Australia, from what I’ve read.
Serious brain drain.
It’s to replenish for the next war, and the next and the next.
If I’m still able to cook, almost certainly pierogi.
I will never comprehend how evil or sociopathic someone has to be to do something like this.