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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think this is more attributed to how the people around you spoke rather than strictly reading.

    My college roommate and I both grew up reading. My family also read books and one parent was college educated. Her family only read the local paper (6th grade reading level). She was the only reader in her family.

    So we both grew up reading, but I could pronounce words she couldn’t simply because the people around me also knew and used them.

  • Well, they ruled that he had no history of being a conscientious objector and did not put any previous effort into spreading his claimed ideology that would point to a history of it. One of the findings was that he didn’t want to join the military because the ‘orders were unfair.’ PUBG was a small part of the argument that he was not as against war and violence as he claimed to be, but the article is on Kotaku, so they know their audience to get clicks.

    To my knowledge, the current law is that if you say you’re a conscientious objector, the alternative to military conscription is to work in a prison or correctional facility for 36 months. Getting the previous punishment of 18 months in prison is at least a shorter amount of time.

    I wonder if he went to court to get the previous alternative of 18 months in jail over the 36 months of work. At least it’s a shorter amount of your life.

  • While education helped sure, the real killer was changing smoking from being cool to being a stigma and laws stopping smoking from most public places.

    Smoking was changed from being cool to being gross. It makes you smell, it makes kissing you gross, etc etc. Vapes seem to have taken away some of those issues that really pushed the social stigma.

    Add to it that nicotine free vapes exist and people use those, so it’s not the same singular target as tobacco. What you don’t want is something that can be easily debunked making it seem like it’s not that bad. (See the many stories of folks trying harder drugs because the DARE programs told them marijuana would be the same as LSD, only it’s not).

  • I figured that came through in the “I’ve been following kpop for the better part of a decade” comment that you originally replied to, but since it wasn’t clear enough, yes, I’m a fan of kpop and know many fans of kpop who aren’t 4chan people at all, and many who don’t care about idol lives or the papparazzi pictures. (Yes, obviously there are 4chan folks who like kpop, like you can find 4chan folks who like any genre of music).

    Kpop, like the majority of pop, is typically marketed to young women because women spend money on products or tend to have more decision making power over where money is spent (obviously varies by person or household). 4chan is usually not a haven for young women, or any women for that matter.

    Like the majority of music genres, the fans are diverse and are interested in it for a variety of different reasons. If the only people that you’re finding who listen to kpop are 4chan folks, I think that says more about the folks that you associate with or the places that you frequent than it does about kpop fans.