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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I worked in Red River for about a year and a half and it was pretty great. It was like Colorado Lite up there, and presumably much more affordable–I just had a condo paid for by my employer so I dunno. It’d be tough to live there without a remote job, I admit.

    Taos was cool, but a little small/touristy. Santa Fe seemed great, but I heard it was expensive so I dunno. The rural areas did feel very impoverished overall.

    I agree that it had its own feel. The native New Mexicans I met out there were just kind of their own people doing their own thing. The state had those fruit/pepper/produce stands here and there on the side of the road that you’d see in like Brazil. The landscape and terrain was this pretty mixture of desert shrubland right adjacent to mountain cypress-type ecosystems, at least in all the places I went to.

    Would be worth going back again one day.

  • Yeah, you didn’t know this back then. Maybe you did if you were a healthcare professional or a specialist in virology. In the US, all we had to go off of was the CDC, who are supposed to be the apex specialists, fighting with Trump who just had gut feelings about drinking bleach to kill the virus, and a literal ocean of misinformation and horrifying lockdown/mass casualty stories coming out of China.

    It was clear that nobody actually knew what was up, and that public safety advice was biased through this filter intended to get people back to work to save the economy. Someone at some point decided that X number of people might die to save X percent of the economy and apparently we were supposed to be okay with that?


  • Yeah, for sure. I used to think they just both sucked, and maybe they still do, but there’s no excuse for the level to which Israel has gone. And now I question whether Palestine was acting in some sort of “self defense” all along.

    I think back to other revolutions and such, and although they aren’t 1-1 comparisons, I wonder… I bet the people of England thought the Americans were absolute terrorists during the revolutionary war.

    Anyways. Not an expert… just been trying to make sense of the happenings.

  • Yeah, this is the truth that people are too emotional to accept. I do air permitting and also spend every day calculating the “maximum allowable pollution” a site can produce while keeping it within applicable regulatory limits. Even if the CEO was like “alright, time to go green!” and devotes 100% of the profits to operating “green”, they’ll just get sued by the shareholders and be bankrupt or go to jail. Even if there are no shareholders, their operating costs will skyrocket and they’ll be put out of business by the company next door, or even just Saud Arabia.

    Passing government regulation is the only way. But we are also operating in a global economy, so you might just end up destroying your entire oil business in the process, sending all of that marketshare to places with even -worse- environmental regulation. Which just comes back to us anyways in the grand scheme of things.