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Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • Launching just one sounds like the primary purpose is for messaging, not taking out whatever single target. They want to remind Europeans that they aren’t safe just because they live far away. The west has been getting numb to the constant threats of using nuclear weapons. I believe this launch is to give those threats more weight again.

    The US will no longer be a threat to Russian ambitions come January. Expect an urgent fear campaign to get the rest of NATO to no longer want to stick their necks out for Ukraine.

  • Not quite. Although the “losing bid” here was of a higher payment amount. However, the trustee chose the onion bid because the families who are owed assets out of the settlement were willing to forgo some of the payments they are owed to back the onion bid. That would lead to more being paid back to Jone’s creditors than with the straight cash bid.

    So it is a bit of a unique situation and the court is right to verify that the trustee made the right call. Ultimately the onion bid should be the winner since bankruptcy proceedings should prioritize paying creditors.

  • I’m not a meteorologist, but I do know a thing or two about plasma.

    Plasma is very short lived. Think on the order of microseconds at atmospheric pressures. So unless there was a massive linear source of power along the whole length, this isn’t plasma.

    The visual effects probably have to do with the fact that the sun was very low. I’m guessing the particle size distribution in that line is notably different from the size of particles in the clouds surrounding it, leading to much stronger reflection of evening light.

    I am curious as to the meteoroligical explanation for the line though.

  • Did you measure voltage drop across the pump while it’s trying to start up? The voltage will only drop when there’s current being drawn. So with the pump off you would see full supply volts even on a highly resistive line. You could try lugging a battery down to the pump, and jump it to get it started, then remove the battery jumpers but keep the pump running on your main run, then measure the volts across the pump.

    Or you could try to measure the resistance of your wiring with your meter. You would disconnect it from your 12v source, then short the pump side, then measure the ohms across the pair at the source side. Also measure the resistance across your pump windings when it is disconnected, but with the switch on.

    I’ll throw out some example numbers. Say you have a pump that says it needs 6 Amps. Chances are the inrush current is more like 12A. If you measure across the terminals with the pump disconnected from power with the switch closed, you might measure around 1 Ohm. Now if you measure your very long supply line and get 2 Ohms. Then you would only get 12V/(1+2 )Ohms = 4 Amps through the whole system. With the pump drawing 4 Amps you would only see 4V at the pump terminals when it is already running.