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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • ZFS doesn’t really support mismatched disks. In OP’s case it would behave as if it was 4x 2TB disks, making 4 TB of raw storage unusable, with 1 disk of parity that would yield 6TB of usable storage. In the future the 2x 2TB disks could be swapped with 4 TB disks, and then ZFS would make use of all the storage, yielding 12 TB of usable storage.

    BTRFS handles mismatched disks just fine, however it’s RAID5 and RAID6 modes are still partially broken. RAID1 works fine, but results in half the storage being used for parity, so this would again yield a total of 6TB usable with the current disks.

  • My home-assistant installation alone is too much for my Raspberry Pi 3. It depends entirely on how much data it’s processing and needing to keep in memory.

    Octoprint needs to respond in a timely manner, so you will want to have the system mostly idle (at least below 60 percent CPU at all times), preferably octoprint should be the only thing running on the system unless it’s rather powerful.

    If I were you, I would install octoprint exclusively on your Raspberry Pi 3, and then buy a Raspberry Pi 4 for the other services.

    I’m running Pi-hole and a wireguard VPN on an old Raspberry Pi 2, which is perfectly fine if you are not expecting gigabit speeds on the VPN.

  • This seemed like the perfect opportunity to ask ChatGPT to write a Trump speech about being the best at making cheap shots. So here you go, straight copy paste from ChatGPT:

    Ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you something. Nobody, and I mean nobody, can make cheap shots like I can. It’s tremendous, folks. People come up to me all the time and say, “Donald, how do you do it?” Well, it’s a talent, it really is. I’ve got the best cheap shots, believe me. Other people try, but they can’t even come close. I’ve been doing this for a long time, and nobody does it better than me. So, when it comes to making cheap shots, I’m the absolute best. Thank you, thank you very much.

  • It’s rather important to understand the performance characteristics for people to know what to expect if they want to switch to Linux.

    If games ran at half the FPS on Linux as they would have on Windows, then pretty much no one would be gaming on linux.

    If you got 90% performance on Linux, only Linux enthusiasts would take the performance hit.

    At 100% performance the choice is completely free, people that got fed up with windows could just switch.

    When Linux outperforms Windows, this puts us in very interesting territory, as this might even entice a bunch of people to give Linux a try to see whether the switch is worth the performance. I’m personally quite interested in seeing whether this could be the tipping point for Linux on desktop and laptop to really start taking off.