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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: February 25th, 2024


  • FritzGman@lemmy.worldtoMemes@lemmy.mlI hate that guy
    6 months ago

    Why would anyone care who the stereotypical white dude is? That is giving importance/energy to the wrong thing. I didn’t even really notice nor care who he was (and still don’t). That said, I don’t generate memes with him in it so I guess I’m doing my part. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Most everyone has been to this point some time in their life. The question is how you handle the answer.

    The world is cruel and doesn’t care. That’s why YOU must care for yourself, not kill yourself.

    My suggestion for you is to take stock of all that you have to offer and then list what you like. Interests, hobbies, skills, knowledge (like can you do your own taxes or expert at filling out student loan forms, you can do construction or plumbing, etc.). Anything goes.

    Now see what lines up from column A and column B and write down a list of jobs that needs/uses those things. Now you know what kind of work you can do and won’t hate.

    Next list what you like and dislike about your personality. Then, do the same for everyone else. You should see a pattern (i.e. I like intelligent conversations/ I dislike loud people) of things that go hand in hand. Like the loudest person in a room is usually the dumbest too.

    Anyway, once you know all these things, you should be able to tell if a job is for you and if the people you’ll be working with are a match.

    The key is to like what you do and the people you do it with. The money will eventually come if you don’t hate going to work or the people you work with. At the very least, your life won’t suck. Also, never stop looking for a better job or opportunity.

    A perfect job doesn’t exist (unless you are your own boss) and the good ones don’t always stay that way. Adjust to that reality and always be looking ahead. That is how you navigate/work the system. I am a sore loser and never back down so letting the system win is not an option. It shouldn’t be for you either.

  • Oh please don’t misunderstand my post. I’m in total agreement that this bullshit can’t go unchallenged and that posting about it is necessary and good. It’s just that, like public comment town halls, all the complaining in the world does not affect change.

    Instead, I meant to imply that more needs to be done and in a way that people who have already paid can use to fight against them.

    Like encouraging all Roku TV owners (and eventually all Smart TV owners) to contact their local, state and federal representatives to demand they enact consumer protection laws against post purchase forced software changes to functionality of the product (aside from security patches) or forced acceptance of ‘terms of service’ that essentially take away your right to your preferred method of recourse.

    I mean, the idea that we buy something for the features and capabilities it gives us just to have it changed at the whim of a corporate moneymaking scheme is insane. Even moreso when policy changes mean you accept something you don’t want to or lose what you paid for (i.e. Roku’s forced arbitration acceptance that would otherwise brick the TV).

    It’s fine to vent frustrations but in the long run, jailbreaking and looking to buy something different doesn’t resolve the root problem. Greed overcoming consumer protection in the name of shareholder interest (most of which are corporate C level douches).

    Sorry if I wasn’t clear with my opinion but my posts usually are already too long before they even start. lol