How about an awful shambling corpse of a book that’s trying to extend the story from a satisfying ending because the publisher wants more books.
How about an awful shambling corpse of a book that’s trying to extend the story from a satisfying ending because the publisher wants more books.
That’s a smoke screen. Another is the “liberal brainwashing machine” school system scare. What they fear is the statistic that higher educated individuals trend towards populism and progressivism. They see higher education of youths as a threat to their political base, which turns into “spineless parents sending kids to liberul brainwashing camps funded by the gubmnt.”
Generally, when one tastes of two fruit, they will continue to eat of the one they prefer.
The unobtainium is real guys, trust me
Baal Out
Hitler had the capacity for a “peaceful and integrated Europe” after he exterminated any human beings he didn’t like.
Chinese government overreach? Surely hell has frozen over /s
I see a future where China out and out steals the unity backend to publish the CCP spyware flavor of unity.
I’ve been sent from the superfuture to stop YOU, with the help of your multiverse self.
That’s an old white-hat trick. If the tables drop, the wrap helps them bounce.
Is that the worst of it? Maybe I should see it… I mean I liked the first Michael Bay Transformers movie despite the ludicrous product placement.
Whenever I would need a windows key, I got it from G2A. Home keys are $15, but are still genuine keys, just purchased using currancies where the exchange rate lowers the cost in dollars.
I would suddenly feel very sad for the one of them that bottled it up for 40 years, and for the other who obviously has known for many of those years…