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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • See I got the impression when watching it was kind of like she was told to ‘just play it like you’re a female 10th doctor, yeah, that’ll do’. Which was really a shame because she could have owned her own character you know?

    I actually thought her best episode was the one with the Daleks and the time loop in the warehouse (Eve of the Daleks I think). Her run got overshadowed by the whole timeless child thing which was more fanwank than anyone needed or asked for. Not that Moffat or Davies had individual episodes which were just as bad for continuity stuff but it felt like a lot of the 13th Doctor stories were arc obsessed. Maybe Flux didn’t help.

  • I think it’s very weird he decided he had to put a fake nose on to play a Jewish person… I mean that to me is getting into racial stereotype territory. It’s obviously not malicious and the article says the family were happy with it so that’s something but still… ‘Jewish Person = Big Nose’ doesn’t sound great.

    What does interest me is that a lot of people are very much ‘trans people should play trans characters, disabled people should play disabled characters’ and it goes without saying that obviously blackface and Yellowface are out. But when there’s a case like this there’s less cohesion and it tends to end up being more defensive about people being oversensitive about the whole thing.

  • To be honest, I went to the cinema for the first time after covid last year and thought ‘actually… I have not missed this’. Not because there was any bad behaviour in the audience, but I guess I just found that I didn’t really care about seeing films in cinemas particularly. Maybe I was on an off day, but I think I’ve genuinely gone off going to the cinema.

    It probably doesn’t help that the only cinemas near me are multiplex types though. And this article doesn’t exactly encourage me to book seats anytime soon!

  • I’ve been reading about the history of early Christianity, before there was an official New Testament and what people believed was a bit more chaotic with a lot more of what we would call takes on Christianity flying about - that’s why I love things like Dogma and Good Omens. To my mind they aren’t being disrespectful, they’re just interpreting what Christianity is and where it comes from, and why it’s important.

    That’s why George Carlin’s priest is such an idiot - he’s not interested in belief, he’s interested in golf and his own ego, and becomes a sinner with his whole buddy Christ idol anyway (which is one of the funniest things Smith ever created!)

    I’d definitely have to add Life Of Brian to the trinity of comedies that handle religious themes respectfully but well. So many underrated lines - “he is the real Messiah, and I should know, I’ve followed a few!”