There are exercises for that, to build up range
There are exercises for that, to build up range
Gonna try to cut a line down the middle and say I’m not seeing very convincing evidence one way versus another. Lotta finger pointing and honestly getting way more intense about diet soda than I thought anyone would.
Gotta say that my family (and me until high school) drink wayyy to much diet soda. Like sugar, or aspartame it’s a bit worrying and when you drink caffeinated sweetness all day you’re probably going to feel defensive about someone saying it’s gonna kill you.
I am a bit of the mind that it may only be significantly carcinogenic at super high doses, but who knows if anyone is getting those doses either from commercial beverages or mixing it in the same proportions as sugar in their iced tea
And it’s really making some idiotic points. Bees are cosmopolitan because of humans already, and when we grow flowering crops where they aren’t abundant we literally put them on a truck and bring them to the crops. Unless something to replace them is self-replicating, biodegradable, integrates with natural flowering plants, etc. etc. etc. it seems super conceited in the face of doing anything to actually stop neonicotinoids or bolster native pollinators.