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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • French Canadian here

    All of our swear words are Catholic church vocabulary words. As a never Catholic I always find them hilarious when I say them. They can basically be used as stand-ins for words in the same way as we use “fuck” in English or strung together.

    “Saint Ciboire” was my grandmother’s favorite when I would fuck something up.

    baptême [ba.tae̯m]: “baptism”
    câlice [kɑːlɪs] (calice): “chalice”
    ciboire [si.bwɑːʁ]: “ciborium” or “pyx”, receptacles in which the host is stored
    criss [kʁɪs] (Christ): “Christ”, or crisser, a more emphatic version of sacrer, both verbs meaning “to curse”
    esti [əs.t͡si], [ɛs.t͡si] or ostie [ɔs.t͡si] (hostie): “host [cookie]”
    maudit [moːd͡zi] (m) or maudite [moːd͡zit] (f): “damned” (or “damn”)
    sacrament [sa.kʁa.mã] (sacrement): “Sacrament”
    saint [sẽ]: “Saint”, added before others (ex. saint-simonaque, saint-sacrament, etc.)
    simonaque [si.mɔ.nak] (simoniaque): from the sin of simony
    tabarnak [ta.baʁ.nak] (tabernacle): “tabernacle”; typically considered the most profane of the sacres
    viarge [vjaʁʒ] (vierge): “the Virgin Mary”
    Moïse: Moses

  • because Muslims are fanatics and unfit for democracy, actually kind of have a point.

    i am glad that people are starting to wake up and understand that islam is more of a political ideology than a religion.

    they’re doing it out of pure hatred towards other people

    I would take away the veracity from these statements (because ultimately people can change and Muslims are not a monolith) and I’d say I agree. There is definitely a political aim of the Muslim religion, and us westerners should be rebuking the illiberal aspects of Muslim adherents. It’s one thing to support a Muslim’s choice of religion, it’s another to think it’s okay to give up another group’s freedom because Muslims want to prescribe their beliefs.