• 5 Posts
Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: March 21st, 2024


  • First Union, which was bought by Wachovia, which was bought by Wells Fargo was my first bank account. Sometime around 2009, it came out that they were doing some pretty shady shit along with going out of their way to fuck their customers out of money by posting their purchases in a way that would maximize fees. It was a blatant dickhead move. I immediately closed my account with them and will never go back.

  • I got some kvas and bread. When I asked the Russian food store worker if they had kvas, the guy looked away, slightly smiled as if it was a dumb question, and said, “Of course!” Then he took me to the kvas aisle and showed all of the options lol. I probably seemed pretty silly to him. While I was there, I also got some fresh bread that they made.

    I tried the bread fresh, and it was okay. I tried the kvas and thought it was okay too. However, I sliced the bread, toasted it, and put butter on it. I had that with kvas on the side, and it was pretty good! They compliment each other very well. The bread is heavier than I’m used to and has a lot more flavor. I can see how someone that is used to that would think American white bread would seem like crap. By comparison, white bread is lacking consistency and flavor while also being too sweet. To me, the kvas tastes like a soda but less sweet and slightly bitter like molasses. I can see how this would be something someone would like if they drink it often. It has a unique taste that isn’t overwhelming. I noticed that I kept wanting more, where as coke is repugnant after a bit. Overall, I like it and am gonna be eating/drinking this for the next week. Thanks/Спасибо for the recommendation!

  • Interesting, thanks for sharing! Those pictures of the barren grocery stores look terrible. I went to Russia in the mid 90s, and while consumer goods were not as abundant as in the US, the stores did not look as bad as in those pictures. However, I remember that meat was a bit scarce. We mostly had soup, eggs, bread, and potatoes. In fact, one time we went for an extravagant night out to a restaurant, and I was told that I was really lucky to have some sort of meat entree (like a steak or similar, can’t remember exactly).

  • HottieAutie@lemmy.dbzer0.comtoAsk Lemmy@lemmy.worldWhat show are you re-watching?
    3 months ago

    Game of Thrones

    I like watching it because it’s like studying really manipulative jerks. I find it so interesting how they operate. Interestingly, I noticed that I paid lots of attention the first four seasons. However, starting on the fifth season, I was more distracted on my phone. Now that I’m on the sixth season, an entire episode and a half will go by while I’m surfing Lemmy on my laptop. It just gets way too corny, predictable, and the plot armor is blaring. I’m still gonna watch it until the end…or at least play it in the background until the end. I guess I need my fill of disappointment and some practice rolling my eyes. It’s still crazy to me that a show that became a cultural phenomenon tanked itself so terribly to the point that it lost nearly all respect.

    Edit: Give me the mic! I’ve got something to rant about.

    The fact that the armies of Westeros went from warring each other to caring about the Army of the Dead is ridiculous! The only proof anyone had was based on John Snow’s and the Wildlings word from their experience at Hardhome. While John Snow had the respect to be able to convince the men of the Night’s Watch, he didn’t really do it. He didn’t go on a persuasive and descriptive campaign to explain the danger they were in. He did such a poor job, that he was assassinated by mutineers. Yet, he is revived by the Red Woman, and all of a sudden, the families of the North are rallying behind him to prepare against the Army of the Dead. He then goes to Daenerys, a girl that has every reason to mistrust him, with this wild claim about walking dead without giving any sort of convincing argument, hoping she will pledge her armies and dragons to this cause.

    So then, the plan to convince everyone that this is real is to send a team of some of the most prominent characters and best fighters they have, including the fucking King in the North, beyond the Wall to catch a wight. WTF. Why would you send the leader of the Wildlings on a suicide mission‽ Even more, Why would you send the King on a a suicide mission‽ If they die, the whole thing is done.

    Of course, they find themselves surrounded by the Army of the Dead, and their only hope was to send a kid from King’s Landing that hasn’t ever seen snow until this trip, to run a damn marathon while sleep deprived, malnourished, and dehydrated. By pure luck, those that stayed behind were able to just chill on the island while the ice was forming. The Night King had long range weapons he could have used to kill them, but he just hung out for 4 days instead. Meanwhile, Snow Team 6 is freezing their asses off and likely starving, dehydrated, sleep deprived as hell, yet have the energy to go full on battle with zombies once the ice hardens.

    This is just so ridiculous. I can’t even watch it without disbelief and frustration. Thank goodness for House of the Dragon. House of the Dragon still has its ridiculous moments/story lines (e.g. an entire battalion sneaking up on a beach in plain sight of the Crab King’s archers), but it’s nowhere near as bad as the last 4 seasons of Game of Thrones.