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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • Mine is definitely a hobby… possibly a borderline addiction. I am an IT person by day and then selfhost a bit at home. Most of my equipment is good old eBay specials (R720xd, R610), or just accumulated over the years (a few HP Microservers, RAID enclosures, etc).

    The uptime is decent but my ISP isn’t great, plus one of the servers has been having issues so until I find a few hours to focus on it, it is not something I would consider “acting like a paid IT”.

    Not to make myself sound like a bad IT person, but my homelab is held together with hope and scripts to recover when it goes down. One day I’ll cluster some lower power proxmox systems with portainer and ensure everything important has a way to fail over and backed up offsite (no, I’ll probably just take a nap if I get a free afternoon lol).

    Sometimes people in these communities don’t realize how they come off, tone is hard over text, and I’m just as bad in person (thankfully I work remote most days).

  • Dude, you jumped from “theft” to murder in under 50 words, no need for the hostilities and it doesn’t have the slightest thing to do with “AI porn” or answering writing prompts. While that can be a use of AI, its similar to the way you can use a pizza cutter to slice cheese if you want (even if that’s not what it excels at).

    In a digital age, the ability to train a model on a specific topic and use it to automatically iterate through an instruction set (while “learning” about outcomes outside of the original training material), can be the difference between thinking your infrastructure is secure or actually securing it.

    LLMs have their use in the world, a lot more use than stuff like copyrights, patents, and trademarks. Ever wonder why you can easily get a cheap ripoff of patented goods? Its because not all countries follow the laws of other countries.

    All that being said, you don’t have to agree, it changes nothing and having opposing views actually makes the world a better place as it spurs discussion and thought. Thank you for being part of such a great community, and thank you for engaging with me and others!

  • Believe me, I love debating laws and policy, but I’m 99% sure you’re taking the piss and any discussion wouldn’t be in good faith.

    If you aren’t just trolling, take a few minutes to read up on why the US (and every country with the capability) hasn’t decided to dismantle their entire nuclear stockpile, or stopped research into nuclear weapons. If you don’t have time, the 10,000 foot overview is no one wants to fall behind, if they do they they fear that they wouldn’t be able to defend themselves against the same… AI is no different, tell the world to stop researching it and all you guarantee is that countries that don’t listen to the global community will outpace the ones that “play fair”.

  • Late to the party and after reading through some of these setups I may have to expand mine soon (it never ends does it?), here is what I have right now.

    Unraid (Dell R720XD, dual Xeon E5-2670 v2, 64GB RAM, 12 x 6TB in 12 disk array with 2 parity disks, 800GB SSD cache pool)
























    Proxmox (old Intel server S2600WT2, dual Xeon E5-2620 V2, 768GB RAM, 5 x 2TB disks):








    -MCServer (gameserver)

    -SDTDServer (gameserver)

    -SFServer (gameserver)

    There are some other things floating around in my homelab that aren’t really ‘selfhosted’ things, just important to the home network:

    3 HP Microserver Gen8’s

    -x1 with ESXi hosting pfSense

    -x2 with TrueNas Scale for backups

    R610 with ESXi for a few remote desktops and Home Assistant (which I’m sure I’ll move to docker at some point).

  • Oh man, that would suck. I do not ever use an external USB port for that exact reason! Aside from a few desktops and laptops around the house all my equipment has an internal USB port for the purpose of a boot drive (I always assumed that was the reason).

    All production stuff needs backups. Personally I try to keep boot device backups saved to another device as an image so if one goes down, I can clone it to a USB real quick and restore the blink to the lights; ideally I should also keep them off site, but I don’t like to use cloud providers (tin foil hat and all).

  • I have a few servers that have been booting from USB for years. Two of my old freenas boxes (now just hosting backups of data from unraid), have been booting off the same USB sticks for almost 10 years now. In addition to the freenas boxes I use internal USB drives on Unraid, ProxMox, and ESXi hosts (had to try them all).

    Its a risk, but having a cloned USB as a backup can mitigate it a bit.

  • Don’t give up too easily friend. I’ve been slowly moving some of my hone systems away from Window’s, and much like you, I’ve spent close to 20 years as a Windows admin. I have the advantage of using Linux on my always ancient laptops over the years and it is my personal opinion that Debian is the way to go.

    Give LMDE (Linux Mint Debian Edition) a go, it is very familiar to navigate coming from Windows and isn’t going to have constant updates breaking stuff (looking at you Arch).

    First thing after installing run apt-get update, then add the Nvidia drivers (add the source to your sources and install, if you need help, post back and we’ve got you!) and reboot.