Matched using perceptual hash algorithms that have an accuracy between 20% and 40%.
I’m a programmer and amateur radio operator.
Matched using perceptual hash algorithms that have an accuracy between 20% and 40%.
relevant xkcd
You can do this in VLC, though it’s not very practical. VLC’s equalizer has a preamp slider, it’s just not great if you want to change it all the time.
I’m not an expert, but I guess it would depend on the speed of sound in the rod.
They do, but compounding errors are always a problem with inertial navigation.
Instead of GPS, they can use fixed radio beacons like VOR and TACAN (which I think are both just US systems, but there are similar systems around the world and at major airports). This is basically the system that was in use before GPS.
EDIT: grammar
He got better.
If you decide to set up an SDR for ADS-B, you might want to consider setting up a WebSDR with something like OpenWebRX. This would let people listen to all the signals in the bandwidth that you set.
If you’re interested, is a list of most WebSDRs.
The referendum was (if I understand it correctly) about adding an advisory body of indigenous people to parliament. This wouldn’t have given them any power to make decisions, only to advise parliament on things.
The No Campaign just straight up lied to people saying it would let them write laws, take away your land, etc…
Unfourtunately, I couldn’t find a source stating it would be required. AFAIK it’s been assumed that they would use perceptual hashes, since that’s what various companies have been suggesting/presenting. Like Apple’s NeuralHash, which was reverse engineered. It’s also the only somewhat practical solution, since exact matches would be easily be circumvented by changing one pixel or mirroring the image.
Patrick Breyer’s page on Chat Control has a lot of general information about the EU’s proposal.