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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • There is a huge need for Israel to actually prove this shit. I’ve seen only two pieces of evidence that they aren’t just collectively wilding out and killing everyone in Gaza. One piece was a brand new version of Mein Kampf that they swear came from a “child’s living room” whatever the fuck that means. And the other one was blurry images of a Hamas terrorist that might have been beside a hospital.

    Israel is in the top 5 of military powers and they’re supposedly fighting terrorists that they’ve fought for decades who have essentially no modern military capability besides on the ground street fighting. If they have intelligence that Hamas is using hospitals, refugee camps, ambulances, the routes Israel said civilians can use for escape, etc, it seems like there would be no risk in releasing that.

    It’s put up or shut time. Because all we’re seeing is a bunch of evidence of genocide and war crimes. So show us the evidence or just go full mask off (rather than the 80% mask off that they seem to be doing so far) and just admit that Israel is trying to turn Gaza into a parking lot with all that means for civilians.

  • I’ve never really understood this argument. The history of browsers shows that a browser choice screen isn’t necessary. IE used to be dominant until it started sucking so much that people looked for alternatives. For a while that alternative was Firefox, then Chrome came along and people moved to that.

    I think the problem for alternate browsers on PC is that all browsers are good enough at the things most people care about that they don’t look at alternatives anymore. Most pre-built computers come with Chrome pre-installed and if it isn’t, people seek it out on their own to download it. More savvy users know about Chrome’s issues, but those aren’t issues users really care about.

    What does need to be addressed is how iOS and Windows either don’t really allow you to use another browser, or make it difficult to switch. iOS needs to allow other rendering engines so alternative browsers aren’t just a skin over Safari and Windows needs to stop with preventing users from changing the default browser for things like widgets.

  • I had to skip this message since I realized I hadn’t watched this episode yet.

    Your big points are true. Fury probably didn’t kill Rhodey then because he knew the Secret Service would immediately shoot him making the reveal pointless but it doesn’t help the fact that it is contrived. Especially since Rhodey was acting sus as hell the whole time anyway. And I guess you could also argue Fury was given the latitude he was because he’s THE spymaster who brought together the team that saved the world on multiple occasions and the universe once but the idea that the US government would let him stay outside the president’s room with a gun is hard to swallow.

    And the suit up sequence had me thinking the exact same thing. I was expecting those different compartments to maybe have the different Avengers’ DNA, but nope just clothes and a gun. That did get a snort from me.

    And there’s more. Like how Varra and Giah managed to fight off a Skrull hit squad despite being caught off guard and not being combatants in the first place, like how the assault team weren’t Super Skrulls and even like Sonya being caught off guard by Rhodey being a Skrull didn’t make any sense.

    But the episode was still good to me. Maybe I’m just more willing to suspend disbelief. The whole premise of a Skrull invasion requires it, as does Fury not calling in even the regular Avengers like Captain America.

    What I want from Marvel more than anything is a series similar in tone to this one, but one that goes more in-depth on the world. Make these things make sense, explain how the non-super powered world operates in a universe where aliens, monsters and gods exist and it wouldn’t be so jarring.

    But then again, this is the series that has contradicted its own rules of time travel multiple times and even set up character growth arcs in one movie like Thor Ragnarok just to undo them in Infinity War and then Thor Love and Thunder.

  • I just don’t see a way to top the build up and ending to Endgame. A decade of movies with great actors, fun action all leading up to the huge gut punch of Infinity War and the absolute spectacle of Endgame.

    After you reach that high, building up again from step one is extremely difficult. And the movies just aren’t of the same quality. Besides a few good movies like No Way Home and Black Panther 2 and a few shows with strong starts or premises like Wandavision and Loki, they’ve all been very mid.