Crying in german. Multiple friends of mine who live in city centers of huge cities still have 16Mbit connections.
Crying in german. Multiple friends of mine who live in city centers of huge cities still have 16Mbit connections.
Yeah laws or very specialized tools/Maschines can get crazy, but I think our lawmakers are also trolling sometimes with the long titles.
The most german thing is to read that no problem at the first try. But our language is cheating with the combining words thing.
Thank you. That explains so much. I hear this “towing stuff” reason so often and I could never figure put what huge things people think they need to tow that isn’t possible with a normal car.
15minuten sind auch ein problematische Zahl. Ich würde sowas unter 5 minuten halten. Bei 15min hätte ich meistens den Anschluss verpasst.
Have americans never heard of a trailer? It’s made for that exact use case and you don’t have to lug it around for years for the one time you need to use it. They are also super cheap to rent.
Terrible headline.
Mein Öko Diktator macht das aufm Fahrrad.
Somebody is showing us a video that took effort to make and gives us interesting information. That we get to watch for free. How evil.
Sony has never been a consumer friendly brand. This is a bad move.
Das ausgerechnet der Staat in Deutschland nur kurzfristig plant ist so eine bittere Ironie. Wenn es erst in x Jahren Geld spart können wir es nicht machen.
As a german this is heresy.
Naja im Verteidigungsfall brauchen wir auch gute Schienen. Vielleicht kann die Schiene (pun intendet) ja ziehen in Moment. .
I hate this trend so much. Is everyone on the internet supposed to be 8years old or something?
Schwalbe at least takes old tires back to recycle them. I can hand mine in at my bike shop. Maybe other brands have something similar.
Jesus christ that is appaling. What stupid fucking vehicles.
Well berlin is certainly a different place than the rest of germany. They are famous for their “berliner schnauze” like new york or paris are famous for honest and/or rude people.
For example?
Das traurige ist gerade Zug fahren wäre eigentlich so viel besser mit Kindern. Da kann man sich richtig mit seinen Kindern beschäftigen. In finnland oder der schweiz gibt es sogar kinderabteile, mit spielsachen, büchern etc. Was uns da alles vergönnt bleibt ist unglaublich. Hauptsache alles für autos ausgeben.