One common trend in aging democracies is that it becomes increasingly exploitative of the remaining workforce as the retirement-aged become the largest voting bloc. This isn’t a “shock”, it’s just a consequence of extracting value from a generation.
I don’t know who the “they” you’re referring to is, but I bet “they” actually don’t even care enough to be “shocked”. You just like to imagine that they are, because if anything, they would be laughing.
One common trend in aging democracies is that it becomes increasingly exploitative of the remaining workforce as the retirement-aged become the largest voting bloc. This isn’t a “shock”, it’s just a consequence of extracting value from a generation.
I don’t know who the “they” you’re referring to is, but I bet “they” actually don’t even care enough to be “shocked”. You just like to imagine that they are, because if anything, they would be laughing.