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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • If I’m understanding your question right, the 2010s were fairly dominated by marvel’s movie machine, and RDJ was probably the stand out lead of those films, though Samuel L Jackson is the highest grossingactor of that decade i think. RdJ has now garnered the critical acclaim in the 2020s that was missing, so there’s a reasonable chance RDJ could be the man you’re looking for. Leo DiCaprio is the most revered critically over the same period I think, of leading men in highly rated films. Though Tom Cruise, for whatever reasons, is really the last of the real Moviestars, but his career spans over the earlier period too of the 00’s and even 80s, & 90s.

  • I see on the Wikipedia article it seems to say that lemonade in the USA is flat, not fizzy? I think this is where I confused your question and we got our wires crossed. Anything that ended “ade” in the UK is a fizzy drink, like a pop/soda. Lemonade, cherryade, orangeade etc. Schweppes, Barr’s etc make lemonade like that, clear, sweet fizzy and just lemon flavour.
    I can’t think of a drink that’s fresh lemon juice as described on wiki over here. There is squash, or cordial, diluted juice with water. But lemon wasn’t common or popular to the best of my knowledge. I’ll look when I’m in asda the morn now though, just to see for curiosity.